Succeed in employee management in the hospital with Healthcare Consulting Firms in India

Today, the hospital is marked by deep organizational rigidities which do not allow a rapid evolution to face increasing financial tensions.

In addition, it is essential to modernize its management, which requires a renewed approach to the management of hospital human resources and professional recognition. Modernizing hospital management also requires an extension of the powers of establishment medical committees to strengthen the participation of doctors in hospital management.

Using standardized management tools and turning to Healthcare Consulting Firms in India for quality management is also imperative in the hospital when it comes to staff management, as they make a significant contribution to the development of corporate culture.

But what characterizes the management of a department in a hospital? How are employees perfectly motivated? And what is the best way for managers to convey new actions and thinking? Anyone who deals with the topic of staff management in hospitals and clinics will sooner or later come across these and similar questions.

Change management in clinics

Time is of the essence: for several years, hospitals have been subject to a massive process of change. As a result, the challenges and demands on managers are increasing enormously.

Dealing with the tension between employee interests and company management is increasing tremendously. Recruiting new employees, retaining them in the hospital, and motivating them is becoming more and more difficult since there are constant changes and the learning process never seems to end.

Successful cooperation between managers and their employees requires that communication with each other takes place promptly – this is the only way that changes can be implemented. It is important to show the need for change and to communicate this clearly to the employees. In addition, employees must be motivated for the change by involving them in the change process. This gives them a way to orient themselves.

In order to promote these processes, there are Healthcare Consulting Firms in India that provide support. According to the organizational consultancy initio, the following factors are important for successful teamwork and a good team culture:

  • Clarification of the targets
  • Working out the common goals in the team
  • Clarification of responsibilities
  • Development of meaningful work processes
  • Consideration of error and qualification management

In order for executives to be successfully supported, standardized management tools are indispensable, because they serve to develop the corporate and management culture.

The need for management development is largely unknown in hospitals. Depending on the maturity of the different corporate cultures in the institution, it makes sense for doctors to have open discussions with nurses and other hospital professionals in groups.

For example, the ward management could discuss with the nursing staff and the doctors how best to work together on the ward. This means that we treat each other with respect and joint solutions can be worked out.

As a rule, it takes a certain amount of time before everyone concerned really understands the need for leadership development. It often requires financial and human resources as well as a lot of staying power to gain the appropriate openness for this topic.

Because instead of questioning their own actions, young doctors usually follow their superiors and copy their behavior. So, as suggested by Healthcare Consulting Firms in India, a good introduction with sufficient information and constant involvement of the management in the process is therefore essential for successful management of hospital staff.

Hospital Architects in India and their contribution to the proper functioning of hospitals

Just as there are architectural typologies that have been evolving due to more artistic and conceptual issues, Hospital Building Design has always undergone typological changes for reasons that are outside the architectural concept itself.

It has been moved by ‘revolutionary’ factors stemming from social or scientific modifications. Briefly seeing how hospital architecture has evolved throughout history with the help of Hospital Architects in India allows us to understand how it works and what we should expect from it.

Hospitals have evolved only slightly in recent years, never radically. In the last century, hospitals were healing machines that took the form of very compact buildings with poorly organized circulations, little ventilation, and little natural lighting. This is how most hospitals are today: they are about 70 years old, old, and very tall. And although they can work well, they often lead to problems of size, distribution, or rooms.

To overcome these problems, hospital architecture must be revolutionized again. The hospital must be designed with the latest parameters of universal accessibility and the highest standards that exist today to be completely inclusive.

A hospital that is a paradigm of universal accessibility will be a hospital for everyone: its design must allow all users to access and use the building autonomously, without any barriers, impediments, or dangers.

In order to apply universal accessibility measures, it is essential to know the different needs that users have when interacting with architecture.

Clear Code Architecture

The method allows knowing the level of accessibility of a space or group of spaces and proposing actions that help improve it to an optimal level.

– The use of healthy materials and the design of work environments that positively affect people’s health, overcoming low-performance materials and workspaces.

We must begin to think that materials are not simply cladding elements that give an image to a hospital or other building, but that they can actively participate in people’s health.

– Parametric design to guarantee typological hyper flexibility. In other words, it is the search for an optimal model that can be adapted to all cases, based on a series of rules, metrics, and strategies common to all health facilities to guarantee their correct operation, whatever the final particular characteristics may be.

In addition, the parameters must also allow the customization of the building from the beginning, as well as the adaptation to future changes.

– The intelligent hospital, a fusion of big data and artificial intelligence that will be able to process 50 or 60 years of treatments in all hospitals to personalize the most efficient treatments, surpassing the emergence of ICTs and current Big Data.

We have to generate again the concept of a revolution in the hospital model to move on to what is already happening in large R&D companies: the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Thus, we will be able to process all the data generated by the hospital infrastructure and draw conclusions from Artificial Intelligence.

– The cyborg hospital as an evolution of the technological hospital, in which new technologies will be merged with materials and integrated into the new generation construction systems to interact and boost the efficiency of the new work environments, in addition to the experience and user trust.

This evolution will allow the collaborative work of doctors, nurses, and biomechanical engineers in hospitals built and designed as optimal containers for these new technologies.

How does Hospital Architecture Design & Planning India Help a Hospital to Become Functional?

Medical institutions are among the most complex types of institutions in terms of design and architecture. And hence, the intervention of Hospital Construction Consultants proves to be a necessity in making the hospital interesting and viable.

They must not only diagnose and treat patients, solve administrative and economic tasks, provide comfortable conditions for patients, but also respond to various fire safety standards and sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

For a long time, functionality was considered a defining criterion in Hospital Construction in India. But in the last decade, architects have made a breakthrough in this area, proving that thoughtful architecture and design, without sacrificing functionality, have a greater impact on the patient’s condition and the work of doctors.

Experts agree that the future belongs to clinics, the appearance of which is more like a residential building than a hospital in our traditional view. The hospital environment is conducive to patient care.

The concept of “humanization” of medical institutions is gradually taking root. It is no secret that in a number of cases the material and technical condition of the medical facility puts the patient into an even greater state of anxiety, and the administrative regime of staying in it resembles, if not a prison, then an institution of especially strict regime.

Humanization is aimed at reducing anxiety, stress, and psychological discomfort in patients both from their stay in a medical institution and from the treatment process.

Much attention is paid to the issues of better adaptation to the conditions of the hospital and understanding by the patient of the treatment prescribed to him.

Orientation in the hospital

It has been proven that the possibility of self-orientation in the hospital is a very important factor for the patient. The realization that he can navigate through its territory, using signs or other conditional landmarks, gives the patient a sense of confidence and reduces stress.

The best medicine for the patient is the desire to live, to be independent of others, and to do the usual things on your own.

Separate room

A separate room not only gives the patient the necessary personal space but also allows frequent visits from friends and relatives, which in some cases plays a decisive role.

Placing patients in separate wards reduces the risk of nosocomial infection and reduces errors by medical personnel.


The use of natural materials and daylight where possible, the imitation of a comfortable home environment, a beautiful view from the window, fresh flowers, filling the interior of the clinic with art objects, paintings, and photographs on the walls, attention to detail – all this not only has a positive effect on the condition of patients, contributing to their speedy recovery but is also an important marketing tool.

Noise in the background

Another issue that attracts the attention of architects and designers is the reduction of noise levels in medical facilities.

Often, patients cannot sleep well in the hospital due to the constant opening and closing of doors and the noise of appliances, while sleep is a critical aspect of recovery, and noisy environments increase stress levels for patients. With Hospital Architecture Design & Planning India, it becomes easier for hospital owners to build a hospital that is able to satisfy the needs of patients and make visitors feel comfortable and safe.

The Architectural Design of Hospital Buildings: An Important Concern

In the case of a hospital, who is in charge of the interior design planning process? Traditionally, an architect. But a good team composition is when the medical technologist coordinates the design disciplines, various structures and systems are implemented according to his needs.

There are examples when an engineer develops a bad architecture, for example, the ventilation system does not meet the requirements of the facility, or when even after renovation, a hospital building or part of it is considered faulty or outdated because the building is old and simply cannot be made better and more modern.

It is also true that medical technology and the need for patient care are evolving rapidly, and these expectations can only be met today if the building can flexibly adapt to new needs with the help of accomplished and leading Hospital Construction Companies in India.

If a building is constructed with rigid structures and inelastic systems, it cannot be adapted to current changes in demand.

Each building will sooner or later become old-fashioned because new tasks, new needs, new professions, new procedures will inevitably appear- this is true for diagnostics, therapy, inpatient and outpatient treatment.

Due to the constant development of medical technology, institutions are constantly in need of transformation. However, the design of the hospitals requires real teamwork. The role, tasks, and involvement of each field designer at each stage of planning is different.

Who is needed at every stage of the design: a medical technologist and an architect. A medical technologist is needed from the first minute.

An experienced and skilled Hospital Architect in India always coordinates all solutions with a medical technologist so that the healthcare facility that will be built will serve the people working in it well. There are many ways to design and construct a building for a wide range of patient care needs.

There is no doubt that there is a great need for new modern medical institutions in which the highest level of medical care for all groups of diseases will be available.

In addition, the importance of the surrounding area around the medical facility should not be overlooked.

Today, unfortunately, investing quickly runs out of money, and by the time we get to landscaping, the budget is usually in the red. Yet the new facility does need green surfaces for patients to walk around because hospitals need a pleasant environment.

Compliance with constant flexibility and change should be ensured and systematic approaches need to be followed for having a suitable interior design that meets new service needs along with applying new technical standards.

Systematic planning principles in interior design should be suitable for the rapid change of future hospital requirements and at the same time, they should be able to become flexible multi-purpose spaces.

Hospital architecture and interior design philosophy requires being associated with the world and nature, starting with a sense of hospitality. A hospital facility made in consultation with Hospital Designers in India provides a safe and comfortable environment for patients along with reducing stress and confusion for patient families and staff. A successful design must recognize the need for efficient operation and the importance of living standards alongside art and technology.

5 Things to Remember in a Hospital Design Plan During the Setup

The Hospital Design plan process in setup is a very imperative step toward building a good hospital. If you are on the journey of developing a project of your own and want to know, what things you should keep in mind for an effective processes. 


Then this article is for you, we laid out 5 different tips that can help you succeed in your journey of building a good hospital or medical center.  

Things to remember:

  • Firstly in today age of the internet, it is immensely important to build an online presence first. Making assertive marketing on social media platforms just as important as the actual service offer by the hospital, to turn any kind of profit.
  • Secondly, if consumers find any inconvenience they’ll look for the next best thing immediately. These days, patients no longer have to sacrifice for a cheaper price. They are willing to pay higher rates for the good and efficient of healthcare.
  • You also need to focus on making consulting doctors & scheduling test much easier. As facilities focus on speed, contributes not just to the development of infrastructure but also on the image a certain hospital can have.
  • Keep in mind a luxury location is ideal for building a hospital, but it can also create an excessive maintenance costs. And might even add the need of dealing with additional variety of government policies and rules.
  • And finally developing relationship with patients & communities in the nearby areas, will leads to more word of mount recommendations in the future. That’s why the proximity to residential neighborhoods is also considered in the important factors.

One Last Take Away

We at Astron hope that the article helps you learned all the major things used in a building of hospital design. Astron carries a decade of history on its back and has successfully completed more than 60 high-end hospital and diagnostic center projects. If you also foster the desire to start your own hospital and are looking for a team that can help you with the hospital design plan to make plan into a reality, come and consult Astron today.

3 Emerging Healthcare Planning Trends in Hospital Construction India

Hospital and Healthcare services are some of the most essential things in today’s life. In these changing times, Hospital construction India focused knowledge is essential to match the demand of the changing economy and people. A hospital can’t afford to go stagnant, no matter how the times are changing. as it is a vital cog in every country’s social structure.


In this article, we highlight some of the trends that are emerging from the new, now changed medical services landscape, post-COVID. 

if you are interested in these three new immersive hospital construction India focused changes then we got you covered. 

Focused Specialized hospitals Planning

First, there is less need for patients to be hospitalized for long periods, Thanks to the accessibility and popularity of non-invasive treatments, they are now being performed on an outpatient basis, minimizing stay in the hospital. As a response, the number of small clinical areas, outpatient programs, and urgent care facilities is rapidly increasing.

Instead, one bid hospital building a bunch of several little ones with the integration of multiple institutions and primary health clinics through mergers and acquisitions has resulted in decentralization and diversity that cost less and has a better reach to the customers.

Alternative Energy with Eco-Result Planning

With energy costs skyrocketing and environmental concerns at an all-time high, the institutional structure will consider alternative renewable resource sources. Hospitals will investigate alternative energy sources such as solar, biogas, and others. Even recyclable things will be chosen for usage as raw resources for power for something in hospitals. This new Green approach will be prioritized in hospital infrastructure planning in order to reduce energy expenses and footprint.

The Virtual First Infrastructure Focus Planning

Consumers are becoming increasingly optimistic about the use of videoconferencing and prefer virtual visits for routine check-ups. This is manageable if institutions engage more in devices connected to the internet. 

Those are some of the solutions that institutions can use to connect their facilities. Healthcare facilities use AR technology (AR) to incorporate pictures into the patient’s surroundings; virtual reality (VR) has been used to simulate clinical situations in palliative care and the central nervous system and AI systems (AI) will be used to determine the outcome of medical settings and to increase treatment reliability. 


It cannot be denied that in today’s world, there must be eagerness and willingness to adapt to the most recent developments in administration and tech in order to aid patients in all important ways. The healthcare establishment must recognize that patient satisfaction must be prioritized. The significance of infrastructure in enhancing patient happiness cannot be overstated, making it part of the new hospital construction India focused guideline we should follow. As a result, hospitals are making attempts to efficiently adopt shifting trends in their infrastructure by obtaining the advice of qualified experts.

A Growing Need of Medical Equipment Planning

In a hospital where a large no. of personnel work, it is obvious that it will also need a lot of medical equipment. These medical devices that are specialized and made to serve patients in a better way help the hospital workers and doctors to carry out their work smoothly and efficiently.

A Growing Need of Medical Equipment Planning

Hence, taking help of Health Care Equipment & Services Companies for good medical equipment planning is considered to be the ideal option.

Medical technology has been one of the emerging industries in recent years. Also, the demand for important devices in medicine has also grown strongly due to global demand. The list of medical devices has grown long as they are used in very different institutions. With proper Medical Equipment Planning, medical centres and hospitals can now make it possible to keep up with the growing demand.

However, places where medical equipment are needed are not just hospitals as readers might assume. Above all, it is medical practices that are increasingly taking on the preliminary services of hospitals. There are also numerous medical devices in the area of ​​rehabilitation centres or old people’s homes. This covers a wide range of work. A widespread trend in the real estate sector has also led to the increase in this demand.

What medical devices are there?

This trend also has a direct impact on the real estate sector. Numerous new hospitals have sprung up. The new medical devices have to be connected and sockets are required for this. It doesn’t matter whether it’s classic operating tables or monitors. The most important medical devices include bedpanwashers, oxygen monitors, insulin pumps and dialysis machines.

The acquisition of these devices is also to be seen depending on the purpose. One can speak of a causal relationship, especially in old people’s homes with special target groups. The disease courses are very different here. However, an increasing influencing factor is determined by external risks.

Acquisition of medical equipment – indirect connection with causal dangers

In this regard, it is important to point out the risk of a possible impending blackout. Many risk profiles now indicate this and plan appropriate care in an emergency. This trend also has an enormous impact on the acquisition of important medical devices. Although these devices do not have anything to do with the treatment of the patient, they are nevertheless elementary in the planning phase.

Think, for example, of battery-powered motor systems and the installation of emergency power generators. The entire operating theatre lighting must also work in an emergency. It must therefore also be taken into account in the entire planning phase when purchasing medical equipment. This aspect is very important, especially in acute treatment. Moreover, not taking care of medical equipment in real time will take a lot of time of hospital staff to find the required device at the right time. So, it becomes more and more essential for a medical centre to consult experts in the field like Health Care Equipment & Services Companies.

Strategies For Creating an Outpatient Care Network

Implementing some key planning strategies can help health systems build outpatient networks that will improve patient outcomes and work more effectively.

Instead of emergency hospitals, the health care system will include a coordinated network of outpatient care points, which includes:

  • Primary care and specialized clinics;
  • Surgical centers;
  • Diagnostic centers and laboratories
  • Administrative premises
  • Clinics in shopping centers
  • Emergency centers and separate services
  • Telemedicine

Because of this fundamental change, healthcare professionals need to create a flexible environment that supports an effective and adaptable strategy. This outpatient network of the future is a model of strategic planning that takes into account the profound trends that are changing the health care industry, and a coordinated network of outpatient outlets will soon become the focus of care.

The five principles governing the new model include:

  • Expanding territorial boundaries
  • Neutral design
  • Virtual care
  • Location of the outpatient clinic
  • Creating accessibility

Strategy 1: Expansion of territorial boundaries

The future outpatient network is the center of the health care system, and facility managers need to expand their geographical boundaries and, as a result, provide medical services not only at their location.

In terms of public health, health systems can identify the needs of people in the region and address logistics issues. Strategic partnerships and relationships with the community are key indicators for creating an effective network of outpatient clinics.

Strategy 2: Neutral design

Meeting the current needs of society and the compliance of the outpatient network with the future requires an adapted design. This neutral approach to design is associated with a flexible and operationally neutral template that adapts to new technologies, scientific advances and new delivery processes as they develop.

The most effective facilities should be able to adapt to geographical changes related to the elderly population that require geriatric and ongoing care services, to achieve this, contact healthcare consulting firms in India.

Strategy 3: Virtual patient support

The provision of virtual support services requires a more sophisticated approach and requirements, in contrast to the traditional hospital examination. The virtual care service will reduce and review the needs of many clinical facilities, including patient care rooms.

At the same time, there will still be a need for specialized facilities to support information technology systems, telecommunications equipment and support staff.

Virtual care technology is likely to promote the development of linear diagnostic facilities, staffed primarily by technicians and specialists who provide remote care.

Strategy 4: Use analytics to choose the location of the clinic

Forecasting analytics uses a wide range of data to model complex consumer demand and individual behavior. These tools help managers understand regional patient groups and plan access points within the outpatient network.

Health care providers can build market scenario models to differentiate market opportunities by patient demand and market prospects in a competitive environment.

Strategy 5: Create accessibility

Patient-oriented medical care requires accessibility and efficiency throughout medical care. The design and process should work in tandem to provide easy access, short latency and fast bandwidth.

Possible examples of these goals are hybrid medical facilities or clinical research centers that allow physicians to make the most of their outpatient network.

According to hospital management consulting company, institutions need to consider the impact of technology on every phase of care, starting with patient registration through the development of telemedicine capabilities and more efficient work processes with physicians and staff.

Inclusion Of Patient Safety In Hospital Design

top healthcare consulting firms in India

Informing healthcare organizations about emerging trends is a great way to get them to think about what they are doing. The inclusion of technological patient safety objectives in the design process at each important stage helps to ensure that they are not missed.

Technologies that ensure patient safety often seem expensive at first glance, but analysis and evaluation, taking into account the cost of re-hospitalization due to patient injuries, infectious diseases associated with medical care and other illnesses, usually show a rapid return on investment.

A comprehensive patient safety technology strategy should be developed at the beginning of the overall hospital planning process and continue throughout the project.

This approach will help explore new ideas for health care, such as the creation of a new “patient care centre” and a “health-oriented campus.”

The sharing of technologies, clinical operations, and patient experience functions needs to be explored. All this can be done by contacting top healthcare consulting firms in India.

Developing a secure ecosystem that brings together people (patients, families and staff), the environment (buildings and the space between them) and technology (leading to a constant flow of real-time data) can invent new operational methods that will provide better clinical performance and increased patient satisfaction.

It would be a mistake to assume that today’s buildings can cope with each and every need of the patient, and the question arises: how long will the health care industry wait before it abandons the modern design of health care facilities and reformulates its development?

In the near future, it could happen that sensors will be used to send patient health data in real time that will need an intelligent chip to monitor their well-being. It does not matter where the patient will be: behind the wheel, at home or in the hospital, because the flow of data about his health will be continuous and uninterrupted.

Ultimately, these strategic changes will affect the nature of the health care organization in its usual sense. This rethought environment will have the following characteristics:

  • It will no longer be called a medical office building or a hospital. For example, it could be a “wellness centre” with mobile medical clinic stations for those who can’t get to the building.
  • The place where patients will get before they get sick. For example, a wellness and training centre where patients can register (in person or virtually) to keep their digital counterpart.
  • An environment without standard departments will be developed, where narrow groups of specialists will work together. It will also be complemented by technology to interact with the patient during home treatment.
  • A place where patients do not wait. Technology will allow you to plan a visit in advance so as not to waste time.

Constant transition from personal to virtual

This includes a new virtual care module designed to give physicians more opportunities to provide virtual care to patients, rather than just cameras and microphones that are added to examination rooms.

For example, the addition of telescopic digital modules for individual lessons and larger spaces for medical teams to simulate rehabilitation measures.

Creating interiors that can be reconfigured at any time without destroying the construction infrastructure is a must and for giving advice on this topic top hospital consultants in India are here for you.

Health Infrastructure Planning: Identifying Project Requirements

The process of creating optimal hygienic conditions in medical institutions is determined by the peculiarities of land planning and development, arrangement and internal planning of buildings, their sanitary and technical improvement, as well as the sanitary condition during operation.

In planning a hospital, getting accurate data is crucial. There are no right solutions for everything and only from a deep understanding of the context, demographics, population served, the necessary medical disciplines or the already existing facilities of the environment, will it be possible to predict and develop an adequate functional program.

Different realities need different hospitals. The design of a centre in a rural environment or in a large urban agglomeration involves different issues, and designing for different countries will involve knowing the different realities of the local context.

In each country, it is possible to identify those common diseases or the most necessary treatments, which will help us plan hospitals that focus on the most serious local health challenges.

The architecture and planning of a hospital are of crucial long-term importance for proper patient care and functionality. They form the basis for optimal work processes and, in turn, minimize the workload of the hospital staff.

Hygiene, flexible work options and cost optimization play an important role in the design of workplaces, but they are not the only factors that play a role: patient and staff satisfaction is also key.

Arrangement and organization of treatment and prevention facilities, in accordance with hygienic requirements, make it possible to:

  • Create the best environmental conditions for patients;
  • Contribute to the introduction of treatment and protection regime;
  • Prevent the occurrence of nosocomial infections;
  • Facilitate the medical work of medical staff;
  • Promote the fastest recovery of patients and provide optimal conditions for the activities of health professionals.

After all, without proper hygienic conditions, therapeutic actions are powerless. As science and technology, including medicine, medical technology, and sanitary technology, are constantly being improved, deepened, and scientifically developed, hospital buildings are constantly being rebuilt and completed.

Investment costs for a hospital are unpredictably high. In rational business planning and economic field program, operating and personnel costs should be taken into consideration first, and all this could be done with the help of hospital consultants in Delhi NCR.

In the first phase of business planning, the builder, architects, expert planners and the hospital administration should meet together in order to minimize incorrect investment decisions and unfavorable operating expenses.

It is important that the architects cooperate with the administration and specialist engineers (hospital planners, hygienists) in dissertation.

The basis of business planning consists of equipment planning for construction, form, installation and construction system, medical technical requirements and equipment.

Hospitals are institutions that provide treatment and care for patients with severe and chronic complaints. Hospitals differ in the type, scope, area of ​​expertise and the size of the treatment equipment.

While hospitals were planned as medical surgical institutions in the past, it is emphasized that the institutions are made suitable for human beings with the new trend today, all thanks to healthcare management consulting in India.