Clinical Risk, IT Security And Privacy In Healthcare

In the healthcare field, any accident is obviously to be avoided with the utmost attention: it is, therefore, essential to design specific clinical risk control models, to prevent the occurrence of an error and, if this happens, to contain its consequences.


The health model of our society is based on a framework of “Integral Health” with a clinical history shared by the different health actors and that is accessible to the citizen. Currently, continuous access to healthcare provision and assistance is demanded, including from the mobile through sanitary, seeking effective and immediate attention that requires a high level of integration of very complex information systems.

This implies that the necessary systems and technologies in healthcare are connected, but with an inherent risk of the connectivity itself that could betray the safety of patients, subjecting them to unnecessary risks and forcing them to pay unacceptable personal costs.

Clinical risk, IT security, and privacy in healthcare

The human factor has a great weight in the management of risk in the health sector: the oversight of an operator, a procedure that has not been respected, an error or an accident in the journey that directly allowed the occurrence of the event itself.

In addition to the risks that may arise from the performance of the professional activity, health structures must manage the compliance risk, which derives from the need to comply with increasingly detailed and stringent legal obligations. For effective risk management, it is necessary to analyse the procedures and identify the shortcomings of the system, which can also impact the work of professionals working in the health sector.

An integrated risk management by a hospital management consulting company allows both to reduce the possibility of an error occurring through prevention activities, and to contain the harmful consequences of any errors that may have occurred in any case with protection activities.

Implement policies clinical risk management, aimed both at preventing avoidable errors that the containment of their possible harmful effects, it is essential to ensure the safety of patients.

Cybersecurity in healthcare facilities

The importance of digital technology in healthcare has been underestimated over time in favour of greater attention to the skills of medical personnel and the operation of machinery. Yet, even if not directly and immediately connected to treatment, information technology involves substantially all clinical and administrative processes.

The digital aspects in healthcare have hardly ever developed within the framework of an organic multi-year plan of the company information system but as a response to contingent problems. Such an approach has caused a little organic proliferation of different technologies, with poor integration between the systems and a reduced organizational capacity to manage changes in the medium to long term. Information technology, therefore, developed late and was scarcely exploited as a lever of change, with significant discoveries regarding information security.

For better results, you can also consult hospital management consultancy services.

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