Importance of Ward Design With an Eye on Future Changes

Of course, it is important to prepare the equipment environment when building a hospital, but it may be difficult to succeed in long-term clinic management and Medical Equipment Planning if you think only about the immediate future.

Importance of Ward Design

This is because buildings are always aging, and designing with an eye on the future makes it easier to adapt to subsequent changes.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider a variable ward so that the hospital can be smoothly reorganized according to future changes and growth from the time the hospital was designed. To ensure that your hospital is designed and constructed in the correct way, you should turn to Hospital Construction Companies in India.

Hospital design in anticipation of aging is important

The functions of hospitals are roughly divided into five departments. These are:

  1. Outpatient department with diagnostic function,
  2. Medical department with treatment function,
  3. Ward department with nursing care function,
  4. Management department for management and operation of the entire hospital and welfare of staff, function maintenance
  5. It is the supply/equipment department that is involved in the storage and supply of necessary energy, food, materials, etc. and the treatment of industrial waste.

Regarding the area allocation of each department, the ratio of “medical department” is high in high-performance hospitals such as public hospitals and university hospitals, and the ratio of “ward department” is high in hospitals that mainly provide medical treatment.

With the diversification and sophistication of examinations and treatments, there are many cases where large-scale examination equipment is installed in small and medium-sized hospitals, and a large space is required. As the number of patients increases, it may be necessary to expand the “outpatient department”.

Hospital designs that enable efficient operation are required in response to changes in the environment and needs surrounding these hospitals, but buildings are always aging and user needs are constantly changing.

In order to be a hospital that can flexibly respond to changes in the times and the environment, it is ideal to make a plan with an eye on 10 to 20 years from now, and then consider the management after that.

Planning to succeed in hospital design

If the hospital is not designed for the future when it is newly built, it may cost unexpectedly when it is expanded or remodelled. The same is true for relocation, and the important thing in hospital design is “designing with the front loading method.”

Front loading means that the work is advanced ahead of schedule by carrying the load in the initial process corresponding to the front. Generally, it is an expression that refers to “creating quality at the initial stage of product development.”

If you plan to implement this idea in your hospital, it will be important to calculate the estimated construction cost with high accuracy after making a variable design with an eye on future expansion and renovation in addition to the function and design at the planning stage. To get help in this regard, it will be better for you to contact Hospital Designers in India. The accuracy of this estimated construction cost may greatly affect the budget for expansion and renovation several decades later, and if the accuracy is low, unexpected expenses will be incurred. It can also put pressure on future hospital management.

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