Managing and Planning the Layout of a Health Facility

A more humane hospital is also a hospital where you wait less, especially in emergencies, and in a more pleasant setting. For having a modern and efficient hospital, one should always take help of Hospital Space Planners.

The design criteria of a hospital must take into account the specific needs of the human being. Hospital Planners in India are committed to help hospitals in ensuring well-being of their patients.

Adopting key strategic creative solutions, based on parameters related to the perception of space and light, the effects of colour and sound, and tactile and olfactory sensations, can help mitigate the prevailing institutional rigor, creating a more familiar, welcoming and, consequently, more reassuring dimension.

Designing simple and functional routes, visually well marked and easily recognizable, that ensure clear navigation can prevent patients and visitors from the uncomfortable feeling of feeling lost in a network of corridors and pavilions that all look alike.

Favouring natural light by replacing the lighting systems with violent impact, which are annoying and fail to create the desired atmosphere, with more appropriate ones, represents an additional, important aid, the objective of which is to enhance patient safety and optimism.

Then there are components that have been weighted and have proven to be fundamental in the planning of care centres.

Greenery, for example, have been shown to be very effective in distracting the patient, to prevent him from moping over his fate and instil in him serenity and the desire to recover.

The layout of hospital spaces and the health of patients are closely linked. Indeed, there are strong links between certain phenomena in the hospital environment and stress in individuals.

We all know that the hospital environment plays a determining role in the well-being of patients and visitors; it should be soothing and reassuring.

People get a clear idea of ​​your establishment and its services. Do you want to review the layout of your waiting rooms, your reception area or your refectory?

The layout of your spaces must take into account various criteria: the choice of furniture must be easily washable to comply with hygiene standards, the furniture materials must be certified fire-resistant, light and chromotherapy must be taken into account (colours are important: calming, toning, cleansing).

We believe that design can bring comfort to your patients and visitors. Not only does the interior design and the choice of colours have an effect on comfort and serenity, it also contributes to well-being.

Continuity of care, before, during and after hospitalization, is essential in a hospital and requires the creation of optimal clinical itineraries, the availability of management and decision support tools and the constant improvement of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Experience innovation in a professional way

To clients who entrust Hospital Planners in India with the construction and management of their hospitals, they provide, among others, services of:


These specialists carry out the preliminary studies of the project, create the hospital building plan.


This part includes the hospital architecture project and the coordination of hospital engineering.

Job supervision They assume the direction and integral management of the hospital project, as well as the strategic alliances.

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