Healthcare Architecture: Why Is It Important?

It is best to assess the impact of architecture in hospitals and clinics – places where people come in need because they feel unwell. Not a single person wants to break away from everyday life of his own free will and imprison himself within four walls, therefore the task of specialists is to create conditions under which the space around will not “finish off” a person.

The presence of loved ones near the patient reduces stress- this should not be forgotten when designing medical centers.

The architecture of health unites buildings for medical, rehabilitation, health institutions, in which a special architectural environment is created that contributes with all its components (modern medical technologies and engineering systems, the set and arrangement of premises and services, interiors) to a full-fledged healing process.

Health architecture is the art of unraveling many technological flows and, as a result, creating a high-tech, comfortable and at the same time beautiful space for both patients and staff.

Since healthcare facilities are among the most complex type of public buildings, saturated with technological and engineering equipment, and the implementation of each section has specific features that employees of ordinary design organizations are not familiar with, it is best to entrust the design of such facilities to healthcare architecture firms in India.

Each type of healthcare facility requires knowledge in a wide variety of areas of activity and the corresponding design experience. Unfortunately, insufficient attention is paid to the ideology of designing healthcare facilities.

Indeed, the risk of nosocomial infection and the ability to comply with the standards of medical care largely depend on the condition of the buildings and a competent design solution.

How can the standards be met if a building for a certain purpose does not have the necessary set of premises and if the existing premises do not allow placing the necessary equipment in them and the corresponding engineering networks are not connected to them?

The design problems of modern healthcare facilities are largely due to the lack of a regulatory framework.

New organizational forms have led to the fact that, for example, in the structure of obstetric care institutions there is no division into physiological and observational departments.

Planning solutions ensure communication of family members as during childbirth, and in subsequent periods of stay in the obstetric care facility (fathers are admitted to individual birth wards, mothers lie with their children, and so on), which has a beneficial effect on the condition of newborns and women in labor.

Modern ventilation systems provide air change in “clean” rooms at such a speed that there is no need to duplicate rooms and allocate septic and aseptic operating units, etc.

The construction of a medical center is expensive, and it is a pity if these funds get wasted and the wrong thing is built. The question of what to design should be decided within the framework of pre-design development with the help of hospital planners in India.