A Measure Of Health Care Quality: Patient Satisfaction

Personality characteristics of healthcare personnel, courtesy, affection, interest and understanding, professional attitudes, ways of presenting their knowledge and skills, especially the patient-nurse relationship plays an important role in patient satisfaction.

In the literature, the most important factor affecting patient satisfaction is communication and adequate information to the patient.

Because the ability of health care providers to communicate with patients plays a major role in making patients feel valued or worthless. While patient-centred and individualized care makes the patient feel valuable, it also creates a relationship of trust between people.

Also, feeling valued as an individual is in a sense related to being adequately informed. In many cases, health personnel who determine the needs of individuals and provide information about these needs make patients feel valuable.

Improving nursing services is important in order to increase patient satisfaction in the health sector. Patients’ satisfaction with nursing care during their hospital stay is the most important factor affecting their satisfaction with all hospital services.

It is stated that nursing service is a very important factor in patients’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction with their hospital experiences, and therefore, the interactions and behaviours of nursing staff with patients are the main factors in patient satisfaction.

The reasons why nursing services are important in patient satisfaction

In hospitals, personnel at all levels of the hospital determine the quality of patient care, together with physical tools and equipment.

Hospitals established to provide patient care services have to use their existing resources such as personnel, tools and equipment efficiently in order to achieve their goals. Staff is an important tool for a hospital that carries out its services in a labour-intensive way to achieve its goals.

The efficiency and productivity level of the hospital is directly related to the staff’s qualifications such as interest, effort, diligence and competence.

The management and satisfaction of hospital employees producing health-related services, which are the most complex services of today, will require the planned efforts with the management approach, and this can be achieved by opting for hospital management consultancy in India.

The theme of quality in health care accompanied clinics and doctors’ offices for a long time. The goal of a health service is always to avoid or eliminate illnesses or to alleviate symptoms or to make them controllable for as long as possible.

It has to do with the quality of the treatment. The right measure at the right time leads to the perfect result if it is carried out correctly and corresponds to the patient’s goals.

Nurses are always with them to meet the needs of patients and the maintenance and rehabilitation of individuals are among the primary responsibilities of nurses.

The physical or social comfort that hospitals provide can make individuals feel at home and increase their satisfaction. Patients who are adequately informed, valued, and feel at home feel more confident in both the treatment and care they receive and the healthcare team providing this service.

Patient satisfaction is a multidimensional concept that includes the provision of the service, the interaction of the patient and the service providers, the existence of the service, the continuity of the service, the competence of the service providers and communication features.

Therefore, patient satisfaction is regarded as a result of health services and generally as an indicator of quality of care, and this is why, we suggest you to turn to healthcare consultancy in India.

Medical Care And Patient Loyalty: How Are They Related?

A hospital that cannot increase the number of patients is likely to suffer from patient loyalty. Patient loyalty generally occurs in three ways.

  • PhD-based loyalty
  • Hospital-based loyalty
  • Loyalty to brand power

PhD-Based Loyalty

As the patient is satisfied with the doctor and his abilities, it becomes dependent on the doctor. Even with the slightest dissatisfaction with the hospital in general, he does not go to another hospital.

As the personal talents of the doctor come to the fore, his patient continues to come to the hospital as long as he does not leave the institution.

The loyalty rate is high, the abandonment rate is low. It is an advantage to have such doctors with high caliber and strong human relations working in your hospital, with the help of top hospital consulting firms in India, you can ensure growth of your hospital.

It is reflected in your turnover, profitability and number of patients. However, the situation turns into a disadvantage, as the number of patients will decrease as soon as you set off with these doctors.

In a sense, there is a risk that your continuity in terms of profitability, turnover and number of patients will be interrupted at any moment because you are doing business dependent on individuals.

The doctoral loyalty method is like a chain. While the doctor is pleasing the patient so that the patient does not run away, the hospital has to please the doctor so that the doctor does not escape.

Hospital Based Loyalty

Close relationships should be maintained with family health centres, clinics, and associations operating in your region. These are your potential business partners, and you should look for ways to get together with them on different occasions from time to time, and highlight the corporate identity of your hospital.

But it doesn’t end here, it even starts here. Because the potential business partners we mentioned can only refer the patient. The stages after the patient comes to you are up to the abilities of your institution.

If the abilities of your stingers get ahead of your institution, your doctor will win a patient, not your hospital.

However, hospitals are not obliged to doctors to ensure patient loyalty. In order to ensure patient loyalty by hospitals, patient-oriented procedures should be carried out at every stage of the institution and the expectations and needs of patients should be met at the maximum level.

According to top healthcare consulting firms in India, the hospital should be in contact with the patient as well as the patient’s communication with the doctor.

For example, it should be ensured that all the hospital personnel they encounter until the patient enters the doctor’s room, starting from the first security guard when the patient arrives at the institution, try to help the patient with the same understanding of quality and make the patient feel special in all processes and receive high quality service.

After leaving the doctor’s examination, he should continue to receive the same quality service until he leaves the institution. It is necessary to give the message to the person who is satisfied with all the processes that all the doctors working in that hospital are very good and successful doctors.

The most appropriate unit to receive this message is the patient communication centre, that is, the call centre. With an effective call centre, it is possible to make patients and their relatives loyal to the hospital, not to the doctor.

Top 4 Healthcare Design Trends That Will Shape Medical Planning In 2021:

Top 4 Healthcare design trends that will shape Medical planning in 2021:

In 2021, as we all know, the healthcare industry is booming at a rapid rate. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors of our economy with no signs of a downturn. As the population continues to rise, healthcare facilities are looking to expand, grow and keep up with the rising number of people coming through their doors.

The healthcare industry is transforming through innovations and technology.  Rethinking what a perfect healthcare design to improve the experiences and comfort for the patients and caregivers who occupy those areas.

The latest design trends in healthcare are focused largely on comfort and mollifying anxieties, as well as thematic designs, different layouts, and ease of use.

Following are the four biggest trends that are hoped to shape healthcare and medical design in 2021.

1. Growing Outpatient Care Volumes

Advancements in medical care are helping more and more individuals to seek care in a healthier environment. We are living in a time in which outpatient facilities are extremely important. These are places in the healthcare spaces where patients can go for tests or procedures without needing to stay overnight in the hospitals. Outpatient facilities must also be considered under comfort and design aesthetics. 

Advancements in patient reception and tracking will create new types of outpatient treatment spaces. Integration with telemedicine concepts will lead to smart-growth within the ambulatory network, which will help to reduce the physical visit volume. Moreover, design teams will need to consider elements of choice and personalized environments with these facilities as well, given the growing visit volume and importance to the system’s overall business model. Outpatient care will have a substantial need for design re-thinking.

2. Healthcare will be omnipresent and streamlined

Healthcare will become more and more ubiquitous and omnipresent. It will become more active in patient’s lives yet less noticeable all around. Appointments will become more frequent, but quicker and more efficient, with fewer wait times.

Healthcare design will play a major role in this transformation. Patients will have access to new gadgets and technology that will monitor health indicators. Designers will need to build these devices so they blend naturally with the environment.

Hospitals will play a lesser role while the individual patient and personalized care will become more prominent. Telemedicine, the remote delivery of healthcare services, will become more common. Designers will need to adapt themselves and innovate beyond physical spaces and into the digital sphere.

The coming year will likely continue the spectacular technological process of the proceeding twenty years but at an accelerated rate. Medical facilities will require designs that are more fluid, open, natural, and will provide the Zen environment. These facilities will also be integrated into the world effortlessly but will require elegant designs. Technology will continue to be a disruptor and designers will need to shake hands with these new technologies.

3. The future of our healthcare industry is healthcare on-demand

Tele-health has been an emerging parts of healthcare, but the pandemic fast-tracked its process. Tele-health will take hold of the major portion of the health industry because of the comfort people will feel with in-person visits to their GP. 

Healthcare companies and health insurers will have to grapple with this new ecosystem, which will include the geographical challenges of serving remote communities. The Healthcare ecosystem will experience new technologies and new platform solutions in tele-health that will deliver healthcare remotely. The combination of tele-health with remote care by smart devices like smart watches, mobile phones, combined with the power of Iot will start redefining the healthcare ecosystem. The healthcare of the future will be a big shift from the current model that we all are very comfortable with.

The patients will not prefer to wait for an appointment or be kept in a waiting room to see a doctor. This new generation will desire healthcare on-demand.

4. The experience of receiving healthcare will be more pleasing.

Healthcare facilities of the future will engage patients more actively. No longer will patients be told to sit in a cold room and wait to get their treatment. Healthcare environments will become more open, universal, and holistic. There will be separate areas for patients according to their requirements.

The space of a medical facility will become easier to navigate and will induce feelings of welcoming and calm. Landscapes and plants will be further put into the design of hospitals to provide patients with a feeling of being in touch with nature and the outdoors. The designers should try to develop a storyline and an experience that resonates with patients. Themed designs will gain popularity for healthcare spaces. The look and feel of a doctor’s office or hospital space equally contributes to a patient’s wellbeing, and themed designs will help to achieve this.

7 strategies to reduce the average stay in the hospital

When the subject is the number of days of hospitalization, not always “more” means “better. Thinking about strategies to manage the average permanence is essential to maintain the financial balance of the hospital and the quality of care, which guarantees patient safety.

Managing rooms efficiently and quickly are a direct indicator of hospital performance. It reflects a reduction in costs, optimization of processes and a reduction in the rate of infections and other adverse events. In a connected system, the doctor has online access to the results of exams and additional information and, thus, expedites the discharge. At the same time, the cleaning team receives the availability information of the room and organizes it much faster for the next hospitalization.

Know seven strategies to reduce the average permanence:

1- Control of the flow of the patient in the period of hospitalization- Decreases the unnecessary time of substantial assets of an institution, such as surgical center, hospital beds and Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The management depends on the healthcare consulting firms in India– doctors, nurses and administrative leaders- for more collaborative action, storage, and analysis of patient data from their entry into the emergency room to post-surgery, for example. It is also related to the use of devices that facilitate the routing of exams, prescription of medications and other stages necessary for health support.

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2- De-capitalization- Patients in treatment and recovery or those who need to undergo simple surgical procedures can be sent to a day hospital or be treated in the home care system, which avoids unnecessary hospitalization and provides space for critical care and emergencies

3- Online access to test results- With the implementation of internal collaboration and communication platforms, the doctor enjoys a consultation tool to access patient information and initiate the discharge process with more ease and agility.

4- Prescription and electronic clinical record-The report makes up an essential part of the Electronic Patient Clinical Record, a system that stores the individual’s history, including treatments, exams and prescriptions already made; that facilitates medical attention and the correct diagnosis.

5 – Extension of surgical procedures by robotics and arthroscopy- Accompanies the development of less invasive and more precise surgical techniques and methods, which allows rapid recovery to the patient.

6 – Reduction of the time of permanence- With the adoption of various process improvements, automation, and use of less invasive options and training of the medical and nursing team, the patient stays less time in the hospital. There is also the possibility of carrying out the transfer of chronic and long-term patients for home care.

7 – Implementation of clinical protocols- These instruments help professionals in decision making – be they simple or complex – that demand clinical paradigms and reliable theoretical subsidies, and streamline the entire assistance process.

With strategies that align management and hospital consultancy services, the time of hospitalizations is reduced, but there is more intelligence in the use of resources and less risk to the patient.