Making a Hospital Design Plan for the next pandemic

COVID-19 will eventually pass, but the possibility of other pandemics occurring will always be very real.

On a planet where more and more people move freely and which experiences a rise in temperatures creating more favorable conditions for the transmission of diseases, the frequency of infectious disease outbreaks is increasing.

Greater flexibility in the design of premises and systems would allow, next time, an easier and more efficient transition. Intensive care unit rooms, for example, require next-level capabilities for medical gas supply for patients on ventilators and also for redundant backup power systems. In addition, hospital infrastructures must be able to meet a much greater demand for oxygen.

We all know that planning for a goal is the key to readiness and the same applies when building a hospital. COVID-19 nearly destroyed every country, however, only those who had a good healthcare infrastructure in their country were able to cope up with this deadly pandemic.

Keeping this in view, we are bringing you some tips by Hospital Designers in India that you should consider if you are planning or going to plan a hospital in the near future. Moreover, these suggestions will help the hospital or medical facility better deal with the next pandemic.

1. Reducing the number of patients with a specific focus on telemedicine, and space planning and design.

For example, the parking space can be used to manage people who will enter the building and having single entry and exit point, a worker-controlled point to guide and monitor patients.

2. Isolation of infected patients and how to prepare lobbies, entrances, waiting rooms and reception areas.

The experts recommend having larger lobbies to provide more functionality and more equipment for measuring temperature, distance between patients, and an out-of-touch entrance with hand sanitizers and masks.

Hospital Building Design should be made taking into account the location of a multifunctional room near the place of registration to isolate patients with symptoms of infectious diseases.

3. Improving the institution’s ability to reduce the spread of infection.

A few other planning recommendations can also be considered for clinics, hospital admissions, emergency departments, elevators, materials management rooms and toilets.

First is, there should be a sorting area near the front door. This area will help to separate sick and non-sick patients. One-way movement of patients will ensure that other patients do not cross paths with potentially ill patients entering the building.

For clinics, a “library” model should be adopted that includes communication spaces (such as meeting and group therapy rooms, physiotherapy or staff rest rooms) with access to the building’s main entrance.

During a pandemic, the communication space must be re-equipped and used for separation between protected and unprotected patients.

Planning a hospital building that seeks to fully address all aspects of functioning during a pandemic is a serious project. Therefore, it is important to know intentionally about the decisions that each organization makes when planning a pandemic for each project.

When a response infrastructure is in place, it is possible to design facilities that will support the planned interventions. Health care is a global concern. If we want to keep people safe and save lives, we need to look to the crises that have been experienced to learn from them and inspire them.

The Architectural Design of Hospital Buildings: An Important Concern

In the case of a hospital, who is in charge of the interior design planning process? Traditionally, an architect. But a good team composition is when the medical technologist coordinates the design disciplines, various structures and systems are implemented according to his needs.

There are examples when an engineer develops a bad architecture, for example, the ventilation system does not meet the requirements of the facility, or when even after renovation, a hospital building or part of it is considered faulty or outdated because the building is old and simply cannot be made better and more modern.

It is also true that medical technology and the need for patient care are evolving rapidly, and these expectations can only be met today if the building can flexibly adapt to new needs with the help of accomplished and leading Hospital Construction Companies in India.

If a building is constructed with rigid structures and inelastic systems, it cannot be adapted to current changes in demand.

Each building will sooner or later become old-fashioned because new tasks, new needs, new professions, new procedures will inevitably appear- this is true for diagnostics, therapy, inpatient and outpatient treatment.

Due to the constant development of medical technology, institutions are constantly in need of transformation. However, the design of the hospitals requires real teamwork. The role, tasks, and involvement of each field designer at each stage of planning is different.

Who is needed at every stage of the design: a medical technologist and an architect. A medical technologist is needed from the first minute.

An experienced and skilled Hospital Architect in India always coordinates all solutions with a medical technologist so that the healthcare facility that will be built will serve the people working in it well. There are many ways to design and construct a building for a wide range of patient care needs.

There is no doubt that there is a great need for new modern medical institutions in which the highest level of medical care for all groups of diseases will be available.

In addition, the importance of the surrounding area around the medical facility should not be overlooked.

Today, unfortunately, investing quickly runs out of money, and by the time we get to landscaping, the budget is usually in the red. Yet the new facility does need green surfaces for patients to walk around because hospitals need a pleasant environment.

Compliance with constant flexibility and change should be ensured and systematic approaches need to be followed for having a suitable interior design that meets new service needs along with applying new technical standards.

Systematic planning principles in interior design should be suitable for the rapid change of future hospital requirements and at the same time, they should be able to become flexible multi-purpose spaces.

Hospital architecture and interior design philosophy requires being associated with the world and nature, starting with a sense of hospitality. A hospital facility made in consultation with Hospital Designers in India provides a safe and comfortable environment for patients along with reducing stress and confusion for patient families and staff. A successful design must recognize the need for efficient operation and the importance of living standards alongside art and technology.

Importance of Ward Design With an Eye on Future Changes

Of course, it is important to prepare the equipment environment when building a hospital, but it may be difficult to succeed in long-term clinic management and Medical Equipment Planning if you think only about the immediate future.

Importance of Ward Design

This is because buildings are always aging, and designing with an eye on the future makes it easier to adapt to subsequent changes.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider a variable ward so that the hospital can be smoothly reorganized according to future changes and growth from the time the hospital was designed. To ensure that your hospital is designed and constructed in the correct way, you should turn to Hospital Construction Companies in India.

Hospital design in anticipation of aging is important

The functions of hospitals are roughly divided into five departments. These are:

  1. Outpatient department with diagnostic function,
  2. Medical department with treatment function,
  3. Ward department with nursing care function,
  4. Management department for management and operation of the entire hospital and welfare of staff, function maintenance
  5. It is the supply/equipment department that is involved in the storage and supply of necessary energy, food, materials, etc. and the treatment of industrial waste.

Regarding the area allocation of each department, the ratio of “medical department” is high in high-performance hospitals such as public hospitals and university hospitals, and the ratio of “ward department” is high in hospitals that mainly provide medical treatment.

With the diversification and sophistication of examinations and treatments, there are many cases where large-scale examination equipment is installed in small and medium-sized hospitals, and a large space is required. As the number of patients increases, it may be necessary to expand the “outpatient department”.

Hospital designs that enable efficient operation are required in response to changes in the environment and needs surrounding these hospitals, but buildings are always aging and user needs are constantly changing.

In order to be a hospital that can flexibly respond to changes in the times and the environment, it is ideal to make a plan with an eye on 10 to 20 years from now, and then consider the management after that.

Planning to succeed in hospital design

If the hospital is not designed for the future when it is newly built, it may cost unexpectedly when it is expanded or remodelled. The same is true for relocation, and the important thing in hospital design is “designing with the front loading method.”

Front loading means that the work is advanced ahead of schedule by carrying the load in the initial process corresponding to the front. Generally, it is an expression that refers to “creating quality at the initial stage of product development.”

If you plan to implement this idea in your hospital, it will be important to calculate the estimated construction cost with high accuracy after making a variable design with an eye on future expansion and renovation in addition to the function and design at the planning stage. To get help in this regard, it will be better for you to contact Hospital Designers in India. The accuracy of this estimated construction cost may greatly affect the budget for expansion and renovation several decades later, and if the accuracy is low, unexpected expenses will be incurred. It can also put pressure on future hospital management.

Help Patients Heal Fast With Comfortable Hospital Building Plan

Design that heals refers to making decisions to generate design guidelines, based on scientific data. Thus, for hospital rooms Hospital Designers in India have found that the correct use of lighting also has positive effects on the recovery process and psychological experience for patients. In addition to the physical and psychological advantages that the colour of the room has in hospitalized patients, lighting also plays a role in having a good atmosphere in hospital.

Help Patients Heal Fast With Comfortable Hospital Building Plan

The warm light gives a cozy appearance. The cold tones can give a feeling of space reduction and in some cases sadness, however this white light is essential for the exploration of patients within the rooms. Thus, we identify that each of the elements found in a specialized health space can be an important element to generate design guidelines and a good Hospital Building Plan, which in turn will have a positive effect on the physical and psychological health of patients, with the goal of providing them with a better hospital experience.

Previously, design processes were done in isolation and now with the integration of more information for decision making, there is the opportunity to test hypotheses and benchmarks for future research and new design proposals.

The healing of hospital patients does not only come from care and treatment alone, but can come from the atmosphere and decoration of the hospital itself. Indirectly, a comfortable building fosters the spirit of patients to recover and be healthy. It is this patient’s psychological state that has a major effect on his recovery.

Research is very useful for designing hospital designs. Based on research, design solutions in healthcare are referred to as Evidence Based Design (EBD). Evidence-based design has become the theoretical concept for the so-called Healing Environment.

The layout in the hospital is a trigger for patients, so a neat and beautiful arrangement can increase the spirit to recover and even improve the mood of patients and their families.

Architects conduct research before designing a hospital design, so that it will create a hospital that is in accordance with the real needs of the community. Hospitals are not a place to be feared by sick people who want to seek treatment there. However, being similar to a home makes it healthy, comfortable, and healing.

Health services in hospitals are not enough only for services by doctors and nurses, but the structure of the building is also the subject of providing services for patients in hospitals. A pleasant atmosphere, in the sense of not making it boring and decorations made like malls or hotels, can be a new idea for a modern hospital like abroad.

A good design does not complicate the examination of patients, such as laboratories and radiology rooms can be made in the same area so as to make people or patients comfortable entering.

If the room or design is complex, it can stress the patient and possibly get sicker. Different designs and concepts can erase the paradigm that has developed so far that hospitals are devoted to sick people.

How a Good Hospital Building Plan Affects Hospital Environment

Patient safety is the differentiating element of health institutions today, based on the development of the Patient Safety Culture, which is the maximum expression of the alignment of care and administrative processes focused on the patient and his/her family. To ensure proper health care to its patients, a hospital needs to have a good architecture, which can only be obtained by contacting experienced Hospital Construction Companies in India.

How a Good Hospital Building Plan Affects Hospital Environment

The intention to achieve a safe care environment in hospitals is complemented by evidence-based design practices, which add value to the building, reduce operating costs and contribute to the recovery of the patient. Taking into account that the surgical service is the heart of a health organization, it is necessary to plan and design your hospital with Hospital Designers in India, which in turn, allows maximizing productivity and improving the patient’s experience from quality to comfort.

Hospital design has evolved rapidly and incorporates elements and concepts to respond to the needs of patients, families and healthcare workers. But for several years now, the intention to achieve a safe healthcare environment has been complemented by evidence-based design practices, which add value to the building, reduce operating costs, contribute to patient recovery and significantly reduce the impact of hospital spaces on the care model and the business model.

The objective is to design spaces that improve the way we work; on real evidence, not on assumptions or intuitions. It links the psychosocial aspects of the worker with the design and management of the workspace, allowing greater well-being to be achieved. This will establish the possibilities of movement of people with the consequent ability to generate encounters and facilitate social interaction. The location within the plant will have tangible effects on the movement patterns of people; the ladder is an integrating element.

The number of floors will be a factor capable of influencing the interaction between employees. The number of floors affects accessibility and communication within the workspace.

The implementation and development of an operating room project represents a challenge for the professionals and designers involved, for which the following considerations must be taken:

Plan: Know current needs and focus on care e.g.: Cardiology or Neurology.        

Analyse the space that is required for the construction of the project. Defining for this the portfolio of specialties and procedures to offer in the short and medium term. Know what technology providers exist for these projects; Alignment with technology providers will help avoid pre-installation cost overruns.

Design the 3D modelling once the technology provider has been chosen. This will avoid reprocessing and we will be sure that the functionalities and integration possibilities between the different technologies will be real and we will not depend on hypotheses or assumptions.

Get the final design to build. This should be available well in advance so that overlaps or technical challenges can be anticipated.

Build, choose a suitable construction company; this is fundamental, the health environment requires proven experience but also surety from the point of view of compliance with regulations, local and international technical standards and operational efficiencies.

Purpose of Garden Spaces in Hospital Design Plan

The introduction of the “green” component in hospitals was linked to the belief that including such spaces in the Hospital Design Plan could help the healing process or at least alleviate the suffering of patients.

This belief, linked to the concept of well-being, that is to say “feel good”, has gradually “tarnished” over time and has only recently regained its relevance, together with the reconsideration of the treatment systems for pathologies, more attentive to care of the sick person.

Hospital Designers In India consider design of nursing gardens as the part of the broader trend of a design attentive to the needs of the human being, whether it is a public garden or a garden attached to a school or, in fact, the garden of a hospital or home for the elderly.

For thousands of years, so-called medicinal plants have been treating the ailments of humans and animals. They are the basis of Chinese medicine or herbal medicine which is developing strongly, but we know less about the therapeutic gardens which are interested in the action of gardening on the body, the psyche and the mind.

In the design of green spaces annexed to hospitals, rehabilitation centres and hospices, the presence of plants is directly considered a curative element, rather than part of a treatment program in which the active participation of individuals in the cultivation of the plants themselves is integral to the therapy.

These spaces should therefore be designed in active collaboration between the landscape architect and the “orthotherapist” in order to fulfil the dual purpose of being “Healing landscapes” for certain subjects and a garden for “Horticultural therapy” for others.

In these particular conditions, the garden must become a symbol of life itself, it must induce the mind to positive thoughts, of joy, vigour, lightness and movement.

The aim that must be pursued is therefore to create something that is familiar, educational, a place that is ancestral and even “genetically” attractive that aims to restore not only the function of the “sick” part, but the balance of the whole body.

The directly measurable effects and reactions determined by visiting a garden on the psycho-physical state of patients appear to be interesting. These effects mainly consist of an appreciable decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in heartbeat, a lower epidermal conductance and a general benefit, due to a reduction in the stress conditions present before the visit itself.

Places of rest and renewal for nursing staff or the elderly, a place of discovery for young children or the disabled, a place of learning for people in difficulty, therapeutic gardens must be thought out and designed very early on.

Several hospitals have already created therapeutic gardens, however, funding is certainly the most “sensitive” point for the development of therapeutic gardens in hospitals and retirement homes. Few of the structures can finance the creation and especially the maintenance. But with the enthusiasm for the greening of urban spaces and the recognized medical virtues of gardening, it is likely that future structures will increasingly integrate these specialized gardens upstream.

How does Health Care Equipment & Services Company Plan the Interior?

A Hospital Design Plan has unique properties compared to other plans of commercial buildings. The physical building sector of the health care industry has recently experienced significant growth.

The basic principles of interior design for hospitals or health service physical buildings in general must prioritize functions and these functions must prioritize patient safety, be more efficient, and flexible in order to realize internal and external customer satisfaction.

When the implications of the cost and economic life of the plan are the concern of the owner, efficiency, long term, and easy maintenance are imperatives that must be planned from the start, thanks to the services of Hospital Designers in India, you can manage getting all these benefits right from the beginning.

Interior design master plan components

The interior design master plan document must include material specifications and recommendations on how construction and architecture should be designed ideally, including types of floors, ceilings, walls, furniture, use of factory finishing, window coverings, types of doors, and other architectural accessories required in accordance with standardized functions.

Definition of needs

This stage provides an overview of how interior planning is made and what has been determined by the consulted Health Care Equipment & Services Company. The planner is obliged to explain the description of the final result of the plan through three-dimensional drawings or other explanations so that the owner understands what the planner wants and provides input or requests if needed. This is to avoid changes in the process.

Visioning session

The session on collaborating the hospital’s vision and mission in the form of interior design output is a crucial and difficult stage and requires special experience to make it happen.

It is important to understand that the hospital interior planning output must describe the impression that the owner wants to display in line with the hospital’s vision and mission.

This process helps identify and reflect how the interior physical facilities will support the overall hospital service function. This stage becomes the guiding principles for achieving the goals by keeping the work process on track that has been decided and staying focused on the plans that have been decided together.

Hospital architecture and layout are vital to functionality and successful patient care in the long run. It lays the foundation for optimal hospital operations, thereby reducing the workload of hospital staff. The Healthcare Facility Planning and Design Division of Astron Healthcare have supported workplace design in acute medical care for several years and truly understand the challenges faced by people who want to establish a hospital.

With the expertise of professionals in complex processes, Astron Healthcare can work with you to develop the right concept in order to provide you with tailor-made, flexible and future-proof solutions.

Leveraging the advanced capabilities of Astron Healthcare’s team and expert knowledge of hospital environment, the professionals of this organisation can work with you to define your needs and determine how they can assist with your new workplace planning project.

Hospital Planning: How will Hospitals design future Healthcare Spaces after the pandemic?


Around the world, national healthcare emergency plans have struggled to cope with the force of Covid-19, with healthcare facilities and critical care systems buckling under extraordinary pressure. Faced with a massive inrush of long-term intensive care patients, overstretched hospitals have often had to rely on medical evacuations organized by regional health agencies and even the army. In a growing number of countries, this is leading to a complete rethink concerning the way hospitals are designed. 

Flexibility is now the most valuable ingredient of healthcare buildings. Even before COVID, there was a growing realization that buildings of every kind needed to be more flexible, as technological change far outpaces the development cycle. The pandemic has added powerfully to the case for flexibility – intruding operations in every part of the built environment and promising to disrupt markets for many years to come.

In this article, we have specified the top ten areas where we see change coming.

1. Improving Infection Prevention

The hospital’s infection control/prevention unit is going to become a much louder voice in many design meetings going forward. There will be increased demand to make design features more easily cleaned and use surfaces that withstand harsh chemicals. More health systems will use UV light or disinfecting mists in high- and medium-risk areas. Low-risk areas like exam rooms will need more thorough cleaning rules and room turnover processes. All this needs to be done without losing the warmth and hospitality of today’s healthcare designs.

2. Increasing isolation room capacity

The biggest transformation most facilities have undertaken during the pandemic is expanding the number of isolation rooms. Going forward, hospitals will need collections of rooms and entire units and wings that can be negatively pressurized and cut off from the rest of the hospital in a pandemic. These units will need easy ways to get patients in from the ED, as well as trash out, without going through the entire hospital premises. While antechambers are not required in the Facility Guidelines Institute’s guidance, design teams will still need to address how staff can remove PPE without corrupting the hallway outside isolated patient care areas.

3. Limiting shared staff spaces. 

Many of the assumptions that we have used earlier in designing staff spaces may need to be reconsidered, including the size and division of workstations within a staff workspace, the number of people in an office, and the number of people sharing each workstation. Large, shared break rooms and locker rooms may be excluded in favor of smaller, more discrete spaces. Additionally, administrative departments may be relocated off-site, or work-from-home arrangements may be devised to lessen the staff on campus. The numbers of students and merchants onsite at a given time may be limited, too.

4. Patients must be  triaged by paramedics before they enter the ED. 

The predominance of tents outside of EDs during this crisis, and their susceptibility to weather events, points to a need to help our clients re-envision the triage and intake process. We need alternatives to triage people before they walk in the front door, including tele-triage, apps, and multiple entries and waiting solutions, based upon medical needs. Overflow facilities that are external to the hospital need to be resolute, durable, and quickly erected, with utility connections planned for and already in place.

5. Re-imagining waiting rooms and public spaces. 

Nobody liked the waiting room earlier, but now it seems unimaginable that people will be willing to sit next to possibly infectious strangers while they wait for an appointment or a loved one’s procedure. Trends like self-check-in and self-rooming will accelerate to reduce interactions with other people. Patients and families will be prompted to wait outside or in their car. All public spaces including waiting rooms, lobbies, and dining facilities will have to be carefully planned, structured, and designed to create a greater physical separation between people, with appropriate queuing.

6. Planning for inpatient surge capacity. 

The design of the healthcare organization must be such that it can easily accommodate double or triple the number of patients. The hospital planning team must rethink how they can convert surgical prep and PACU into overflow ICUs. They need to explore through every building system (HVAC, E-power, med gas, etc.) to make sure that the design should be such that the services to these units can meet the vastly increased patient and equipment load.

7. Finding surge capacity in outpatient centers.

The continued growth in mobile or ambulatory care will resume as soon as our current crisis passes. Because many of these facilities are often owned by healthcare systems and already have emergency power or limited medical gasses, they have the potential to provide faster flood capacity, with fewer disruptions, than the field hospitals being erected in hotels and convention centers. As we develop outpatient clinics, freestanding EDs, and ambulatory surgery centers, we need to consider the infrastructure that is necessary for these facilities to support sicker patients during the next pandemic.

8. Inventories for greater supply chain control. 

Hospitals and health systems are looking for greater control of their supply chain and will likely stockpile key supplies, equipment, and medication to avoid future supply shortages. They may develop acquisition agreements with third-party supply and equipment vendors for stockpiles they cannot afford to maintain on their own and will expect greater support from their group purchasing organizations. Some stockpiles may be at individual hospitals, while larger systems may maintain supplies regionally or nationally. We will need to design facilities to house these inventories as well as systems to maintain, refresh, and replenish them.

9. Telemedicine’s impact on facility sizes.

Many service lines will likely need smaller outpatient centers in the future as telemedicine reduces the need for exam rooms, waiting rooms, and support spaces. Telemedicine has flourished throughout this crisis, allowing clinicians to perform routine check-ups and triage with patients without putting either doctor or patient at risk. While the future reimbursement for telemedicine is unclear, the impact on these designs will be enormous. The technology is relatively cheap, physicians can see more patients in the same amount of time, and there are virtually no space requirements. 

10. Isolation operating rooms and cath labs. 

Setting up key spaces that allow for social distancing in design will be predominant. Healthcare entrances will need to consider queuing in line with social distancing and biometric temperature screening requirements. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on how to operate on an infectious patient require that the operating room remain positively pressurized, that it stays sealed throughout the surgery, and that no activity takes place within the room for an extended time after intubation and extubation. While important, these processes greatly extend the length of surgical cases and limit staff mobility in and out of the room before, during, and after cases. To function more effectively and efficiently, many more hospitals will want ORs and cath labs with the proper airflow and design to protect the patient from surgical infection while protecting the staff in the room and the surrounding facility from the patient. This will need the addition of pressurized anterooms from the OR to both the hallway and the surgical core or control room, careful balancing of HVAC systems, and modeling of airflow within the lab or the operating room itself to ensure that potentially contaminated air is drawn away from the staff to minimize the risk of infection.


Healthcare planners, architects, and designers must take a leading role in creating safer healthcare spaces in a post-COVID-19 world. Executing these types of innovative strategies along with the recommendations of distancing and avoiding contact will let patients receive care in safer spaces.

Unlike most healthcare design trends that develop over several years, these changes have already become essential in just a few short weeks, as hospitals and health systems are forced to figure out how to take emergency changes with limited supplies and resources. In the coming years, healthcare organizations will need to adjust their operations for future pandemics, codes will need to be rewritten to safely meet these new situations, and government grants will be necessary to promote hospitals to make these changes permanent.

The healthcare design industry has a responsibility now to help reimagine the future of healthcare design to best lodge these new operational realities.

Waiting Rooms In Hospitals: Improving The Quality Of Life Of Patients

The waiting rooms of an oncology hospital are very special places. During the treatment process against the disease, which can be very long, these spaces become the routine environment of patients. Patients who usually face long waits and moments of high emotional load and stress.

History and classic concept of waiting rooms in hospitals

In recent times, efforts are being made to improve patient care and patient satisfaction scores. What’s more, patient-centred care is becoming increasingly fashionable. Yet surveys continue to show that waiting rooms are a deciding factor in patient satisfaction.

It is a fact that waiting rooms have been a stagnant concept until a few years ago that has not evolved much since its inception. The main improvements have come from the hand of technology, with informative screens.

For the rest, the main changes have been purely aesthetic, changing the furniture, lighting or some aspects of the decoration; without stopping to make other types of changes that result in a greater humanization of the experience.

And the only certain thing is that thousands of cancer patients spend hours in waiting rooms every day.

Aesthetics are important, but at Astron Healthcare, their hospital designers & planners believe it is time to reflect deeply and re-examine the purpose of waiting rooms. What is its functionality? How can we make them as pleasant places as possible for patients?

Why are cancer waiting rooms so important?

The waiting room is usually the first contact the patient has with medical oncology and radiation oncology services. This is where any support strategy, both psychological and emotional, should begin.

Although most people may think that a waiting room is a place of little importance, the truth is that it is a space that can radically change people’s lives. However, in it we will spend some of the most distressing and stressful moments of our lives.

Next, we leave you with some relevant data about these spaces, which allow us to get a good idea of ​​their importance.

Patients typically spend an average of 8 weeks in oncology waiting rooms.

Various studies indicate that the average consultation time is just over 9 minutes. However, the waiting time can be as long as 5 or 6 hours.

Almost all patients agree that waiting times are endless, something that has a very negative influence on their moods.

Without a doubt, oncology waiting rooms represent a delicate environment that requires a rethinking of the way of understanding space, as well as a new methodology to care for patients.

There is scientific evidence that shows the influence of architecture on people’s health. For example, a study published in the 1980s in the journal Science showed that patients who had views of green surroundings from their hospital room spent less time in hospital and needed fewer pain relievers.

This direct relationship between the hospital space planning design and the results obtained highlights not only the potential that architectural design has in the recovery of patients, but also the economic repercussions it entails for healthcare institutions.

Things To Consider Before Designing Hospitals

Because of the wide range of services and functional units, the hospital architecture design & planning India are quite complex. An ideal hospital design integrates the functional requirements with the human needs of its varied uses. All the hospitals share certain common attributes regarding their size, location and budget.


Here are some points that are very important for hospital architecture design & planning in India.

Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency

An efficient design layout promotes staff efficiency by minimising the travel distance between frequently used spaces. It could allow the visual supervision of patients, providing an efficient logistics system for food supplies. So, the efficient use of multi-purpose spaces and merge spaces is an excellent way to efficiency with cost-effectiveness.

Flexibility and Expandability

With time, the needs and modes of medical treatment are changing. Thus, before designing the hospital, one should follow the modular concepts of space planning and layout, like using generic room sizes and plans as much as possible.

Therapeutic Environment

The architect of the hospital should be convenient for the patients and visitors and provide an unthreatening comfortable and stress-free environment. This can be achieved by using cheerful textures and varied colours in patient’ rooms. Also, allowing natural light in their rooms gives them a refreshing environment that helps them recover fast.

Cleanliness and Sanitation

Keeping cleanliness and sanitation should be the chief priorities of hospitals. Therefore, the design of the hospital must be easy to maintain and clean. Therefore, the design should be facilitated by appropriate and durable finishes for each functional space.

Safety and Security

The hospitals have several security concerns like the safety of patients and staff, hospital assets like including drugs, property and vulnerability to terrorism because of high visibility. Thus, safety and security must be built by keeping such things in mind.


 Hospitals occupy large spaces that have significant effects on the economy and environment of the surrounding community. Also, they need high energy and water and produce a sizeable amount of waste. Because of this, a sustainable design must be used or consider when building and designing the hospitals.

Astron Health Care

With more than 20 years of experience as a professionally managed consultancy organization in hospital and healthcare, Astron healthcare consultancy understands that expanding your current facility or building a new one is the most exciting yet challenging endeavour!

A successful hospital architecture design & planning India requires careful planning. Astron Health Care is a professionally managed consultancy with top-class construction’s team that approaches architecture, construction, fulfil the requirement of equipment and eliminates problems by accepting full responsibility for the design and construction, resulting in a smooth experience. For more information about Astron Health Care approach to the hospital building and design, go to