Provide Quality Healthcare Services With Medical Equipment Planning

The quality of medical services is improving from year to year, thanks to the rapid development of technology. The market is regularly expanding, diagnostic and therapeutic devices are becoming more accurate, more effective, and safer.

Thanks to modern medical equipment, the statistics of survival in case of heart attacks, birth defects, injuries, oncological and other serious diseases have significantly improved.

Medical equipment includes a wide range of devices, instruments, apparatus, consumables that ensure the effective implementation of diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation, preventive measures.

It is important that your healthcare center is well equipped with the required medical equipment and this can only be done with the help of proper Hospital Equipment Planning. Without technical equipment, it is impossible to carry out standard clinical procedures, like:

  • Identification of pathologies, including at the initial stages.
  • Implementation of therapeutic measures for diseases of varying degrees of neglect.
  • Preventing the transformation of identified diseases into a severe form.

The management of clinics and medical laboratories is demanding about the quality of the equipment and instruments sold.

Therefore, the sale of medical equipment on the modern market implies high-quality, high-precision products. The diagnostic technique should provide a reliable assessment of the state of the body, and the therapeutic technique should contribute to the patient’s speedy recovery.

Every practicing doctor prefers to see reliable and trouble-free medical equipment in his office for prompt work with patients.

The choice of medical equipment is very large these days, and healthcare professionals responsible for equipping a medical office have to solve the difficult task of choosing the right supplier of medical equipment.

First of all, you need to choose an equipment manufacturer. This is an important aspect of the procurement process that must be considered based on the doctor’s needs and goals that he sets for himself.

If the doctor’s goals are formed, the range of manufacturers is narrowed down to a certain minimum of companies whose medical equipment meets the medical goals of the clinic.

The next step is choosing a supplier. In some cases, the supply is carried out by the manufacturer himself, and then the right choice is obvious.

The manufacturer is the same partner who not only sells medical equipment, but also puts it under warranty, provides maintenance, service support, and qualified repairs.

But, in the overwhelming majority of cases, large and medium-sized corporations are not engaged in direct deliveries, and distributors take on the role of intermediaries between the manufacturer and the hospital.

How to choose the right medical device distributor is a difficult question. To do this, you need to get a comprehensive understanding of the medical equipment market and the role of the distributor in the promotion and support of the equipment sold by him.

However, instead of taking all the burden on yourself, it is better to delegate this work to the Best Hospital Equipment Planners.

Returning to the question of choosing the right partner from whom to buy medical equipment, it makes sense to always remember that a good impression of the device is not limited to just one purchase. Complex medical equipment must be serviced, diagnosed in a timely manner, and, of course, must be guaranteed and for this, each hospital needs careful Medical Equipment Planning.

Why is it Essential to be Error free in Hospital Equipment Planning?

Hospital equipment planning is a stage, where the vision for the hospital image and its earning potential is decided. Because you can only provide treatment if you have the right equipment for it, equipment planning becomes imperative to any project & also it impacts the experience.

health care equipment planners

However even though it seems simple to just decide which services to provide, it’s much deeper than that. In this article, we lay some things to help you be error-free.


  • The first step for hospitals is to conduct an analysis to determine what equipment they require and build an efficient plan for it. 
  • The utilization of high-tech diagnostic instruments necessitates their proper installation and planning of daily functioning. 
  • Word of mouth is essential for hospital success. Inability to train personnel on safety protocols can result in a major image loss for the hospital. Only through focusing on providing delicate care, people will recommend the services to other people. 
  • The right training for the equipment is immensely important, if this training isn’t provided, the equipment could be mishandled, resulting in inaccurate reports and massive losses.
  • Every modern hospital wants advanced medical equipment. However, in their eagerness to portray themselves as a “superior class”, many institutions may wind up purchasing equipment that does not last long. As a result, unnecessary overheads and income loss are incurred.
  • To keep their budget in check, if a hospital makes a sacrifice on equipment reliability and chooses the second-best option. Variables such as inadequate results may end up making big diagnostic errors killing the hospital’s credibility instantly.
  • There is hardly any room for negotiation when it comes to purchasing sophisticated supporting equipment. Testing equipment has specific requirements for such a system; good lighting, climate control, humidity regulation, and reliable backup generators.
  • To minimize mishaps, many institutions delegate HR to specialized healthcare consulting firms that can manage the job effectively.
  • During the hospital planning and implementation phase, hospitals must consider the location and accessibility of their facilities. The diagnostic room, for example, is best placed near the operation room or emergency room.


Medical equipment planning may appear to be a simple task, but it is rather difficult to execute. 

Getting the most out of medical equipment is possible only with the help of a competent healthcare consulting agency.

Astron Healthcare makes finding good equipment and making it available to the staff, much easier and faster, effectively making the diagnosing procedure go as quickly as possible for all parties involved.

How Does Hospital Equipment Planning Impacts the Experience?

The modern hospital is in constant renewal. It contrasts, in a spectacular way, with that of previous centuries, one of the characteristics of which was stability. It is technique and medical progress that have introduced a new dimension that of the pre-eminence of medical technology, of cutting-edge expertise linked to multiple players; that of an increasingly complex organization, subject to the demands of costly technologies and correct Hospital Equipment Planning. Intervening by an operative act, obtaining a CT or MRI image, subjecting the patient to laser irradiation is part of everyday medical practice.

The rapid development of the means and techniques applied has demonstrated the fleeting nature of the standards and the need to diversify the solutions according to the specificity of local needs. All this combined with the degree of public demand for the non-exclusivity of medical information in hospitals and the fact that the population is more and more informed of technological advances. All these elements mean that the pressure on health establishments and their managers is constantly increasing.

And due to this, it is of utmost importance to take help of Health Care Equipment Planners to better manage your hospital or medical centre so that the doctors and their helpers can get the required technical support timely.

Role of ventilation systems in a hospital

Ensuring the necessary air cleanliness in health care facilities is one of the defining conditions for preventing nosocomial infection, reducing postoperative complications and successful treatment of patients with various diagnoses. To solve these problems in medical institutions, the use of ventilation systems is required (using, if necessary, clean rooms).

Tasks of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in hospitals:

  • To provide optimal air parameters in rooms (temperature, mobility, relative air humidity);
  • Ensure the required sanitary and microbiological parameters of the air environment (chemical, radiological and bacterial composition of the room air, maximum permissible concentrations of drugs, absence of odours);
  • Exclude the possibility of overflow of air masses from dirty areas to clean areas of the room;
  • Prevent the formation and accumulation of static electricity and eliminate the risk of explosion of gases used for anesthesia and other technological processes;
  • Create an isolated air regime for wards, ward sections and departments, operating and delivery units and other structural units of medical facilities in order to exclude the transfer of infection from the premises and ensure the required class of air cleanliness in the room;
  • Prevent the release of harmful substances from the ventilation systems of a medical institution into the environment.

Ventilation and air conditioning is a fundamental section in the Medical Equipment Planning and design of the construction or reconstruction of a medical institution. The level of risk of nosocomial infection, the number of postoperative complications and the results of the entire institution as a whole depend on how well the ventilation system of the medical institution is designed, what equipment is included in the project, how it is installed. When implementing medical projects, the Health Care Equipment Planners pay special attention not only to the design but also to the quality of the selected engineering equipment, all this clearly shows how valuable it is to take help of an expert in the field. So, for better coordination and planning, consult Astron Healthcare.

Health Equipment Management And Its Problems

Coronavirus has revealed the great disparity in the availability of life-saving medical equipment in different regions of the world.

The current pandemic has exacerbated the already dire problem of breaking supply chains and stimulating the hoarding of goods and equipment among those who can afford them.

Health equipment is a very important supporting factor in the implementation of health services, both in hospitals and in service facilities other than health.

Therefore the condition and function of medical equipment must be good and can support health service. To achieve this condition, proper and integrated equipment management is needed including planning, procurement, utilization to maintenance.

A brief review of concrete equipment problems and various situations encountered in hospitals enabled them to be grouped under the following headings:

1. The choice and purchase of medical devices

The analysis of the current situation in hospitals and the general opinion prove that there is a gap in the level of information and expertise when choosing and the purchase of medical equipment and this is why health care equipment planners are needed.

The main consequences are illustrated by the following points:

  • Purchase of more or less useful devices following a poor match between real needs and the chosen equipment. The definition of these needs can be distorted by sales pressure or the attractiveness of new devices.
  • More or less judicious choice, given the lack of relevant information or the difficulty of interpreting information which is often very technical and off-putting.
  • Difficulty of technical assessment of the equipment from established standards, or even absence of these.
  • Purchase of defective devices caused by insufficient analysis and lack of trial periods before purchase.
  • Choice of devices not suited to the need due to faulty communication between health professionals (users) and those responsible for acquisitions. The health professional is forced to adjust his needs to the possibilities of the equipment, whereas the reverse would be more desirable.
  • Installation and operating costs not provided for in the financial acquisition package due to a lack of information from the companies.
  • Bad purchase contracts, for lack of precise and complete information on the quality of the products and the reputation of the companies.

2. The operation of medical devices:

Several suppliers of medical devices do not provide sufficient information on the manufacture, modes of use and maintenance of their equipment, which can lead to poor or under use of the equipment, and here you need to contact hospital planners and medical equipment consultants.

Some devices are difficult to adapt to other existing systems.

The lack of robustness of a device can lead to major or frequent breakage, even when the device is subjected to a normal work load.

The incompatibility between the various components of a system can cause several waiting times, slowing down the production and the performances of the whole.

The training offered by manufacturers on the use of their devices is often overlooked or incomplete and generally only covers basic handling, ignoring the essential technical and safety aspects.

The majority of establishments visited do not systematically offer training, retraining or advanced training sessions for users of medical devices.