The success of a hospital structure depends on the harmonious work of investors, doctors, nurses, hospital managers, consultants, architects and other technical disciplines from the very beginning to the end of the project design process.
At the medical planning stage, many criteria such as horizontal and vertical relations of departments, relations of sterile and non-sterile spaces, relations of inpatient and outpatient patients should be defined correctly.
These complex relationships require a mathematical and sensitive approach to the subject. In addition, the design, material and colour selection decisions determine the psychological effect of the hospital structure on its users.
Hospital users are not only patients, but healthy people who come for control, it should not be ignored in this process, including the relatives of the patients who come to visit patients.
It is necessary to consider the product that will emerge in the hospital project not only as a structure, but as a living organism that renews itself and changes rapidly, and for this, we advise you to take help of hospital project consultants in India.
It is important to foresee how the needs program, which we have at the beginning of the project planning process, will evolve in the future, in order to create a structure that can adapt to it from the very beginning.
The correct application of this approach will reduce the additional costs that may arise in the future and in most cases will prevent being unsolved in the face of renewed needs.
When starting the design process, it is important to define all these parameters correctly and transfer them to the project for the successful emergence of the hospital.
In addition, these decisions positively affect both the project design period and the construction and operating costs. A correctly drawn up clinic design project must take into account various force majeure circumstances, including the need to transport seriously ill patients.
The experts of Astron Healthcare are always ready to prepare a hospital space planning design project for a medical centre, a children’s sanatorium, a hospital and a narrow-profile clinic.
In order for the construction project of a medical centre or any other medical facility to be completed at a high professional level, it is important to carefully consider each step at each stage of the design.
The work of hospital space planners is based on several key stages:
Preparation of sketches: A very important step, during which a complete project for the construction of a medical centre is being drawn up – the issue of planning the building, the height and area of the facility, the location of the parking lot and the landscaping of the surrounding area is being resolved.
The architectural part: At this stage, the project of a medical centre becomes more understandable from the inside – specialists work out the internal placement of offices and rooms inside the building, the location of stairs and corridors, emergency exits, and select the optimal fireproof materials for construction.
Constructive stage: Another important step is for the design of the resort, hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions to fully comply with standards. Experts calculate all loads and determine the type of materials for construction, interior and exterior decoration.
Engineering training: At the final stage, a project is prepared for hospital ventilation, water supply, power grids and other engineering structures. Particular attention is paid to fire safety and the installation of autonomous electricity sources.
The construction of a new hospital project can take a long time, expensive endeavors and high specialization. Hospital space planning design requires significant oversight because of the safety of patients and health requirement, advanced technology and strict regulations the need to be supported.
Hospital construction maker faces mounting pressures to build the hospital in less time while delivering quality patient care. Also, hospital construction projects can take a lot of investment and extract a maximum value for each capital is the real task.
To benefit from each capital in making of the medical, there are the following things one should consider before making a hospital project:
Here are a few of the things that you need to carefully consider as you go about building a brand-new medical facility from the ground up.
Design an Efficient Space
The layout of the hospital should promote staff efficiency, which can be done by minimising the travel distance between the frequently used spaces and creating an efficient logistics system for supplies of food. Consider multi-purpose spaces that reduce travel time.
Compliance and Expandability
The modes of treatments and medical needs change continuously in hospital; therefore, a modular space planning and layout would be a great option. Using generic room sizes with easily accessed, modified mechanical and electrical system with planned directions for any future expansion.
Choose The Right Materials
Hygiene and cleanliness are crucial factors for building a medical facility. Many people visit the hospital and carry germs and viruses that can infect the hospital premises. So regular hygiene and cleaning are necessary. To keep this in mind, consider the right materials when building a medical facility.
Security Concern
In medical facilities, people who are mentally ill are treated but sometimes such people can get aggressive and could attack the doctors or staff. To handle such a situation, there is a need of having a secure space in the hospital to treat such patient. So, if you allow the treatment of mentally ill people then safety should be your prime concern.
Waste Management System
Medical facilities produce a lot of waste and require an extensive amount of energy. The waste could affect the medical facilities and the health of patients. To avoid such a problem, there must be a waste management system in the facilities.
Maintaining a clean environment in the facilities reflects a level of competent healthcare that must be fulfilled for patient safety. If you’re planning to build a new medical facility, you need a trustworthy consultancy just like Astron Health Care to get the exact idea of where and how to plan for the new medical facilities. An experienced consultancy company can help guide you through the process and make it as easy as possible for you.
Around the world, national healthcare emergency plans have struggled to cope with the force of Covid-19, with healthcare facilities and critical care systems buckling under extraordinary pressure. Faced with a massive inrush of long-term intensive care patients, overstretched hospitals have often had to rely on medical evacuations organized by regional health agencies and even the army. In a growing number of countries, this is leading to a complete rethink concerning the way hospitals are designed.
Flexibility is now the most valuable ingredient of healthcare buildings. Even before COVID, there was a growing realization that buildings of every kind needed to be more flexible, as technological change far outpaces the development cycle. The pandemic has added powerfully to the case for flexibility – intruding operations in every part of the built environment and promising to disrupt markets for many years to come.
In this article, we have specified the top ten areas where we see change coming.
1. Improving Infection Prevention
The hospital’s infection control/prevention unit is going to become a much louder voice in many design meetings going forward. There will be increased demand to make design features more easily cleaned and use surfaces that withstand harsh chemicals. More health systems will use UV light or disinfecting mists in high- and medium-risk areas. Low-risk areas like exam rooms will need more thorough cleaning rules and room turnover processes. All this needs to be done without losing the warmth and hospitality of today’s healthcare designs.
2. Increasing isolation room capacity
The biggest transformation most facilities have undertaken during the pandemic is expanding the number of isolation rooms. Going forward, hospitals will need collections of rooms and entire units and wings that can be negatively pressurized and cut off from the rest of the hospital in a pandemic. These units will need easy ways to get patients in from the ED, as well as trash out, without going through the entire hospital premises. While antechambers are not required in the Facility Guidelines Institute’s guidance, design teams will still need to address how staff can remove PPE without corrupting the hallway outside isolated patient care areas.
3. Limiting shared staff spaces.
Many of the assumptions that we have used earlier in designing staff spaces may need to be reconsidered, including the size and division of workstations within a staff workspace, the number of people in an office, and the number of people sharing each workstation. Large, shared break rooms and locker rooms may be excluded in favor of smaller, more discrete spaces. Additionally, administrative departments may be relocated off-site, or work-from-home arrangements may be devised to lessen the staff on campus. The numbers of students and merchants onsite at a given time may be limited, too.
4. Patients must be triaged by paramedics before they enter the ED.
The predominance of tents outside of EDs during this crisis, and their susceptibility to weather events, points to a need to help our clients re-envision the triage and intake process. We need alternatives to triage people before they walk in the front door, including tele-triage, apps, and multiple entries and waiting solutions, based upon medical needs. Overflow facilities that are external to the hospital need to be resolute, durable, and quickly erected, with utility connections planned for and already in place.
5. Re-imagining waiting rooms and public spaces.
Nobody liked the waiting room earlier, but now it seems unimaginable that people will be willing to sit next to possibly infectious strangers while they wait for an appointment or a loved one’s procedure. Trends like self-check-in and self-rooming will accelerate to reduce interactions with other people. Patients and families will be prompted to wait outside or in their car. All public spaces including waiting rooms, lobbies, and dining facilities will have to be carefully planned, structured, and designed to create a greater physical separation between people, with appropriate queuing.
6. Planning for inpatient surge capacity.
The design of the healthcare organization must be such that it can easily accommodate double or triple the number of patients. The hospital planning team must rethink how they can convert surgical prep and PACU into overflow ICUs. They need to explore through every building system (HVAC, E-power, med gas, etc.) to make sure that the design should be such that the services to these units can meet the vastly increased patient and equipment load.
7. Finding surge capacity in outpatient centers.
The continued growth in mobile or ambulatory care will resume as soon as our current crisis passes. Because many of these facilities are often owned by healthcare systems and already have emergency power or limited medical gasses, they have the potential to provide faster flood capacity, with fewer disruptions, than the field hospitals being erected in hotels and convention centers. As we develop outpatient clinics, freestanding EDs, and ambulatory surgery centers, we need to consider the infrastructure that is necessary for these facilities to support sicker patients during the next pandemic.
8. Inventories for greater supply chain control.
Hospitals and health systems are looking for greater control of their supply chain and will likely stockpile key supplies, equipment, and medication to avoid future supply shortages. They may develop acquisition agreements with third-party supply and equipment vendors for stockpiles they cannot afford to maintain on their own and will expect greater support from their group purchasing organizations. Some stockpiles may be at individual hospitals, while larger systems may maintain supplies regionally or nationally. We will need to design facilities to house these inventories as well as systems to maintain, refresh, and replenish them.
9. Telemedicine’s impact on facility sizes.
Many service lines will likely need smaller outpatient centers in the future as telemedicine reduces the need for exam rooms, waiting rooms, and support spaces. Telemedicine has flourished throughout this crisis, allowing clinicians to perform routine check-ups and triage with patients without putting either doctor or patient at risk. While the future reimbursement for telemedicine is unclear, the impact on these designs will be enormous. The technology is relatively cheap, physicians can see more patients in the same amount of time, and there are virtually no space requirements.
10. Isolation operating rooms and cath labs.
Setting up key spaces that allow for social distancing in design will be predominant. Healthcare entrances will need to consider queuing in line with social distancing and biometric temperature screening requirements.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on how to operate on an infectious patient require that the operating room remain positively pressurized, that it stays sealed throughout the surgery, and that no activity takes place within the room for an extended time after intubation and extubation. While important, these processes greatly extend the length of surgical cases and limit staff mobility in and out of the room before, during, and after cases. To function more effectively and efficiently, many more hospitals will want ORs and cath labs with the proper airflow and design to protect the patient from surgical infection while protecting the staff in the room and the surrounding facility from the patient. This will need the addition of pressurized anterooms from the OR to both the hallway and the surgical core or control room, careful balancing of HVAC systems, and modeling of airflow within the lab or the operating room itself to ensure that potentially contaminated air is drawn away from the staff to minimize the risk of infection.
Healthcare planners, architects, and designers must take a leading role in creating safer healthcare spaces in a post-COVID-19 world. Executing these types of innovative strategies along with the recommendations of distancing and avoiding contact will let patients receive care in safer spaces.
Unlike most healthcare design trends that develop over several years, these changes have already become essential in just a few short weeks, as hospitals and health systems are forced to figure out how to take emergency changes with limited supplies and resources. In the coming years, healthcare organizations will need to adjust their operations for future pandemics, codes will need to be rewritten to safely meet these new situations, and government grants will be necessary to promote hospitals to make these changes permanent.
The healthcare design industry has a responsibility now to help reimagine the future of healthcare design to best lodge these new operational realities.
The waiting rooms of an oncology hospital are very special places. During the treatment process against the disease, which can be very long, these spaces become the routine environment of patients. Patients who usually face long waits and moments of high emotional load and stress.
History and classic concept of waiting rooms in hospitals
In recent times, efforts are being made to improve patient care and patient satisfaction scores. What’s more, patient-centred care is becoming increasingly fashionable. Yet surveys continue to show that waiting rooms are a deciding factor in patient satisfaction.
It is a fact that waiting rooms have been a stagnant concept until a few years ago that has not evolved much since its inception. The main improvements have come from the hand of technology, with informative screens.
For the rest, the main changes have been purely aesthetic, changing the furniture, lighting or some aspects of the decoration; without stopping to make other types of changes that result in a greater humanization of the experience.
And the only certain thing is that thousands of cancer patients spend hours in waiting rooms every day.
Aesthetics are important, but at Astron Healthcare, their hospital designers & planners believe it is time to reflect deeply and re-examine the purpose of waiting rooms. What is its functionality? How can we make them as pleasant places as possible for patients?
Why are cancer waiting rooms so important?
The waiting room is usually the first contact the patient has with medical oncology and radiation oncology services. This is where any support strategy, both psychological and emotional, should begin.
Although most people may think that a waiting room is a place of little importance, the truth is that it is a space that can radically change people’s lives. However, in it we will spend some of the most distressing and stressful moments of our lives.
Next, we leave you with some relevant data about these spaces, which allow us to get a good idea of their importance.
Patients typically spend an average of 8 weeks in oncology waiting rooms.
Various studies indicate that the average consultation time is just over 9 minutes. However, the waiting time can be as long as 5 or 6 hours.
Almost all patients agree that waiting times are endless, something that has a very negative influence on their moods.
Without a doubt, oncology waiting rooms represent a delicate environment that requires a rethinking of the way of understanding space, as well as a new methodology to care for patients.
There is scientific evidence that shows the influence of architecture on people’s health. For example, a study published in the 1980s in the journal Science showed that patients who had views of green surroundings from their hospital room spent less time in hospital and needed fewer pain relievers.
This direct relationship between the hospital space planning designand the results obtained highlights not only the potential that architectural design has in the recovery of patients, but also the economic repercussions it entails for healthcare institutions.
Despite the fact that a hospital, regardless of its purpose and structure, has all the features of the hotel industry, a special approach should always be taken to its engineering design of the building.
A hospital cannot be created on the basis of a regular hotel. The specialists working on a project will have to take into account many important features and standards, and that is why only professionals should perform these tasks.
How does a hospital project start?
Before starting work, analysts carefully study the market and decide how relevant it will be to create a particular hospital in the selected area.
At this stage, many aspects are considered- the presence of a target audience, convenient infrastructure, funding, which should be allocated by government agencies (if we are not talking about a private clinic).
When the feasibility of building a hospital is determined, the development of its details begins.
Professional hospital design involves many aspects. The designer must:
Think over the location of hospital premises so that they are both comfortable and spacious- an important feature of the clinic is the availability of equipment in it, which is constantly being improved, and this means that enough space must be provided for it;
To study what equipment will be installed in the hospital, and what energy capacities will be needed for it;
Think over the arrangement of blocks so as to minimize the time spent on moving employees between them;
It is inevitable to include the opportunities for the expansion of the hospital building in the future.
Taking these features into account, you can begin to develop project documentation for the design of premises, which involves the creation of drawings of all premises, as well as the facade view of the building itself.
Hospital designers & planners not only prepare drawings with measurements, but they also consider structural calculations of the ceiling and flooring, lists of equipment and furniture, descriptions of building materials, communications, windows, door blocks.
Also, designers develop schemes for the location of sources of electricity, lighting of premises, doctors’ offices, there are no trifles in the design of hospitals, because every detail in the future can play an important role in saving lives.
What tasks should the hospital project solve?
First of all, this document must fully comply with the purpose of the clinic as it can be a polyclinic, a specialized institution, a dispensary, a medical building, a maternity hospital, etc. It is the project that should describe all its nuances, and it will depend on it how all the requirements are met.
In addition, this document should:
Meet the critical standards of the Ministry of Health and other agencies,
Provide quality service to future patients,
Provide enough space for the most important hospital premises – diagnostic, radiology, intensive care, etc.,
Carefully distinguish between sterile and non-sterile areas of the hospital,
Describe any specialized equipment that will be used in the clinic.
It is the healthcare architecture firms in Indiawho thinks through every detail of the construction and design of the building, and it is his decisions that ultimately determine not only the comfort of each patient and each doctor, but also a significant reduction in operating costs for maintaining a finished hospital.
At the end of the last century there was a debate on the commercialization of medicine and how it treated patients as mere numbers. When deciding who deserves a transplant, conditions or life expectancy did not matter, the coverage of the patient’s insurance policy mattered.
Business photo created by wavebreakmedia_micro at freepik
This made people start talking about the humanization of medicine. At first, it was thought that it was enough to just offer more personalized care to patients, but over time the concept has evolved and encompasses many more aspects, such as the architecture of hospitals, which is essential to guarantee vital space and privacy of each patient.
The humanization of medicine has generated many changes in terms of the structure and distribution of hospitals, causing hospital architects to start looking for ways to better manage space.
The first thing to achieve this objective is to define the relationship between the humanization of medicine and the architecture of hospitals. In this sense, when speaking of humanization it is always related to dignity and the need to protect the rights of each person who lives in society.
In a hospital, the fundamental rights of each patient would be life and privacy, as well as being housed in habitable conditions.
So, when creating a hospital, the patient should be considered as the protagonist of the place beyond the complex medical equipment that may be available, and this is why you should contact healthcare architecture firms in India.
A hospital is one of the most complex buildings that we can find. Its design is closely related to its proper functioning and, consequently, its safety: a well-designed hospital is, in all probability, safer.
Thus, the main objective of hospital architecture should be to optimize the design so that the hospital is as safe, efficient and intelligent as possible.
Evolution of architecture in hospitals
Later it was discovered that some diseases were much more contagious and lethal than others, which caused the architecture of hospitals to change drastically for the first time to generate specific spaces for each type of patient.
This is how maternity areas, intensive therapy and even the emergency area were born.
In the new millennium, certain aspects were improved to create analysis areas and even special campuses to hospitalize patients with chronic conditions.
With regard to guaranteeing the privacy and the right to life of each patient, the architecture of the hospitals has perfectly complied with the requirements of these 8 new premises that currently require hospital space planning designto have spaces dedicated especially to:
Healing environments training
Evidence-based architectural design
Construction sustainability and profitability
Construction quality certifications
Patient safety on site
Infection control
Incorporation of cutting-edge technologies
But humans are dissatisfied and above all ambitious, so we are always thinking of new ways to make our lives easier, so that the humanization of medicine still has many challenges to face in the future, such as the sectorization of health by creating expensive treatments that are only available to the wealthiest.
The area of health has been changing and evolving over time, at a rate unlike any other. This is due to the technological advances that the market offers, either for improvement of architectural systems or medical equipment.
In the last ten years, having future planning that benefits health care has become very important. This greatly increases the success of the hospital in the coming years.
The hospital space planning designwill include the improvements of the equipment for hospitals, this being a fundamental piece to guarantee the efficiency of the services that will be provided to patients.
From a financial point of view, planning the hospital brings with it a saving of resources. Therefore, it is a must to maintain a good development in the medical center.
What does it consist of?
The planning of a hospital aims to create objectives and establish goals on productivity that health centers must maintain, bringing in the medium term the achievement of these objectives.
For this strategic plan to have a positive effect, it is important to take into account possible legislative changes made by government entities, in order to guarantee the common good.
It is also appropriate to consider economic trends that would vary or change operations. As well as technological advances regarding all the equipment and structure of hospitals.
Planning to a hospital guarantees its success. This brings with it improvements to the services provided to patients, whether by infrastructures, updated medical equipment, among others.
It is necessary to carry out these strategic plans regularly so that it allows an organization of the institution.
General considerations
The strategies to be carried out must be specific and possible, they must also be adapted to the hospital’s budget. Otherwise, objectives that exceed the financial resources granted will ensure that the goals are achieved in the long term.
There will be a solid base with respect to all the objectives to be achieved. For this, prior to the realization of this plan, a thorough study of all areas of the hospital must be made.
It is important that the needs presented by the institution are organized according to a hierarchy, that is, it is necessary to focus first on those areas that generate the greatest benefit for the health center and people.
Likewise, when preparing a hospital planning, the owners, the heads of the medical departments and the heads of the department of the administrative area must be present. Each one will establish what are the requirements for their areas.
Planning benefits
There are a variety of benefits of strategic hospital planning. This is primarily due to the fact that health care programming is made up of many components, including the efficiency and safety provided by medical centers.
These institutions operate at different levels, from direct patient care to financing. All of these must be addressed by strategic planning done by an experienced hospital planner in India, in order to achieve improvement in them.
Planning in a hospital takes into account all aspects to be occupied and rectified in each sector of the institution. Unlike traditional plans, it takes care to take a general approach.
The atmosphere of comfort and tranquility when visiting a medical institution is something that can extremely positively affect the mood of each visitor or patient without any medication.
Every doctor knows this, therefore any medical institution, whether it be a hospital, a polyclinic, or a private clinic, strives to ensure that the interior of the room meets not only the relevant standards but is also comfortable for any of the visitors.
Each patient has the right to choose the medical center that he likes and whose specialists he trusts to solve problems with his health.
This choice is influenced by the first impression that remains when visiting the institution. Upholstered furniture, warm colors in the interior, flowers, maybe the corresponding decor items – all this together favorably affects the opinion of a person about this place, and he will visit it with pleasure.
When we think of hospitals we think of something sterile, gloomy or like a building where design is not very important. However, more and more the exterior and interior of medical centers is gaining importance. In this article, today we will tell you more about it.
The hospital space planning designevolves and for the better. It is not strange then with the irruption of new technologies, the IoT, the theme of smart buildings. Increasingly, the exterior and interior of medical centers is becoming more important. The motives of having good designs are:
Improve image and productivity: we associate hospitals or medical centers as shady places where comfort does not reign. Today, this is changing: more importance is given to light, to colors.
The spaces continue to comply with hygiene and safety regulations, what changes is that now the experience of patients is valued, and not only patients but also medical personnel.
Both the interior and exterior designs of medical centers are thought to improve mood, useful for a better recovery and to make you feel better.
Providing security: It is a basic element in the design of hospitals and medical centers. The exterior and interior design of medical centers is key, as it can affect mobility to control and prevent the spread of diseases, easy to clean surfaces or ensure that you can attend to all patients who enter.
Make a good first impression on both patients and staff: A good first impression is as important as safety, as it depends on their return.
To do this, the exterior and interior design must look clean and sterile, but it must also be efficient and effective. According to hospital designers & planners, the first thing you see is the exterior, so you must see a clean exterior or a manicured garden. It does not mean that there are plants or vegetation, but rather a welcoming and hospitable feeling.
Be efficient: both in the exterior and interior design of medical centers, it is essential to be efficient. It is key to know that the use of light helps visual performance and patient recovery or that controlling noise can improve efficiency.
As well as standardizing the position of the elements of the room can improve staff productivity.
We constantly hone our skills, performing and developing designs for many hospitals and clinics, which are extremely positively reflected in the general mood of both the entire staff and visitors.
Design project of medical centres
Each patient has the right to choose the medical centre that he likes and whose specialists he trusts to solve problems with his health. This choice is influenced by the first impression that remains when visiting the institution.
Upholstered furniture, warm colours in the interior, flowers, maybe the corresponding decor items – all this together favourably affects the opinion of a person about this place, and he will visit it with pleasure. The design project of the medical centre consists not only in the availability of modern equipment. This includes:
Proper zoning of the room.
At first glance, this does not represent anything complicated, but in fact, planning the location of the rooms, their area, the width of the rooms, the place for the necessary upholstered furniture so that nothing interferes with each other and does not create problems for workers and visitors is not easy.
Used materials.
According to hospital designers & planners, the decoration of the medical office of the centre is, first of all, fireproof and non-toxic materials that can be easily cleaned and cleaned. If this is an operating room, then special requirements are imposed on the selection of materials.
The interior in the lobby of the centre implies a friendly atmosphere, which is why modern decoration materials are used here that are suitable in colour and texture to the general appearance of the room.
The interior of the medical centre is also well-constructed ventilation and air conditioning system, lighting. We will help you create a home environment for each patient.
Private Clinic Project
A modern private medical clinic, for example, dental or cosmetology, is an example of a welcoming environment, decorated with taste and using various decorative elements. A beautiful interior is a prerequisite in the health industry.
In order for the clinic’s interior to deliver maximum aesthetic pleasure, when creating a design project it is necessary to proceed from the general concept of the institution. The interior design of a private clinic, drawn up by specialists, will help to solve several problems:
Emphasize the individuality of the institution;
Optimize the work of all employees;
Hint at the high quality of the services provided.
The design project of the medical clinic, ordered from hospital space planners, guarantees a welcoming atmosphere that will appeal to every visitor.
Hospital designs are very detailed especially in terms of interior design and require intensive reading and separate expertise in line with regulations. Not all interior design firms are competent to carry out interior design projects of hospitals and health centres.
Hospital projects, designed with teams of architects and interior designers who specialize in this field, are created by taking into account both the medical and legal conditions and regulations, the comfort of outpatient and inpatients and their relatives, and the functionality required by healthcare professionals.
Hospital infrastructures are surely the most demanding and complex buildings to design, and their investments too high to neglect in the design process. Rapid medical and technological developments in the sector have significantly changed hospital design, and healthcare models are currently out of date.
Most existing infrastructures require some form of adaptation, and in some countries, the lack of sanitary buildings remains a critical problem. Designing a hospital that responds to new demands requires an iterative design process, with the ability to collect and analyse all available information in a single coherent solution.
The high level of complexity, the necessary relationship between different spaces and the technical requirements, force any hospital architect to be constantly updated on the latest trends and developments and to have a wide range of knowledge of various areas that are key to this type of building. This requires a multidisciplinary team consisting of hospital planners in India, facility engineers, structuralists, architects, interior designers, landscapers, medical planners, and project managers.
Beyond the needs of the patient
Currently, we cannot focus only on the needs of the patient, we have to go further. It is very common that patients and their families are not listened to and do not receive adequate attention by health personnel, often due to lack of time or lack of emotional tools.
Comprehensive support for families
It is of utmost importance to offer these parents and their families a humanization of care from the beginning, giving them continuous emotional support without interruptions and guiding them from the moment they receive the first news to discharge, and that as the development of the new-born’s income progresses, the needs of the parents change and they are also subjected to “a roller coaster” of events and, what was good news yesterday, today is a sudden change in the evolution of the New-born due to an infection or new problem that has arisen unexpectedly.
For parents, this continual fluctuation means an even greater emotional strain, the greater the longer the admission, something very frequent in the case of extremely premature new-borns.
An indispensable support
Therefore, the psychologist is a link between parents and health personnel, improving communication between them. In addition, when parents leave the hospital, they are delighted with the humanitarian treatment received, since having this emotional support, has reduced the levels of stress and anxiety of the parents.
Also, it is essential to highlight that the person who gives emotional support to the parents also collaborates and works with the health personnel on a daily basis, such as, for example, offering strategies on how to act at certain times with families or with their co-workers.
This hospital space planning designfocuses on caring for parents and caregivers, that is, for health personnel who are day-to-day at the foot of their crib living extreme emotional situations, on many occasions.
For this reason, as part of the project, it also focuses on giving healthcare personnel psychological tools to deal with the families of these children on a day-to-day basis.