Factors Affecting Management Effectiveness In A Hospital

Through careful analysis of the data, we identified some factors that influence the effectiveness of hospital management and its results.

These factors are in many ways similar to the parameters that determine the efficiency of manufacturing companies. In this regard, we believe that these factors must be taken into account when developing reforms in the healthcare sector.

Hospital size

There is a clear correlation between hospital size (based on the number of employees) and the effectiveness of management practices.

In particular, in medical institutions with a large number of staff, management performance indicators are higher than in others.

The relationship between hospital size and management efficiency can be explained in at least two ways. First, it is possible that better managed hospitals simply have more room to grow and expand.

While this explanation seems to be quite valid for private clinics, it does not seem so obvious in the public sector.

In this regard, the second explanation seems to be more rational, namely: thanks to the large size of the hospitals, it is possible to use economies of scale, which, in turn, allows them to attract and develop promising personnel, introduce advanced working methods. All this can be done with the help of hospital consulting companies in India.

Competition level

Management efficiency also depend on the number of competing facilities located near the hospital. There are several reasons why competition can increase the efficiency of hospital management.

In all health care systems, healthcare leaders are willing to be more proactive in the presence of strong competitors because they can achieve greater advantages in their environment.

In addition, if the performance against the background of other local hospitals looks weak, it can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

And in healthcare systems where hospitals are allowed to be closed or merged with other companies, managers who do not pay enough attention to the poor performance of their institution can easily lose their position, and this is where, you will need healthcare consulting firms in India.

Share of managers with medical education

Those hospitals where the proportion of managers with a medical education is the highest, in general, use the most effective management methods.

The hospitals that have the fewest new physician-trained managers over the years have little to no change in their performance metrics. In contrast, institutions that bring in many medical-trained executives can significantly improve their performance.

The link between executives’ medical education and management performance may indicate that this educational factor plays an important role in the delivery of health care in hospitals.

Having experience in the field of medicine allows the manager to better understand the processes of medical service delivery and related problems. It is easier for such a leader to establish contact with staff and gain the trust of employees.

Leadership independence

In the hospitals with the least effective management, the degree of managerial independence is much lower than the average level.

In contrast, in hospitals employing advanced management techniques, managers are granted considerable independence. Independence is a powerful motivator for hospital managers, ahead of even many financial incentives.