5 Trends That Have Revolutionized The World Of Medical Devices

Just ten years ago, some market trends began to change the medical equipment business. Let’s find out what they are and how they behave in today’s market!

Today, as anticipated by our title, we will talk about all those elements that, for ten years now, have changed the way we produce and distribute medical devices on the market. Medical equipment is a huge business, estimated to be worth several billion dollars globally.


Thanks to the investigation by medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com, let’s find out together what are the variables that have made possible the development of this very interesting and fundamental slice of the market and which, of course, are still an important weight on the scale in today’s world?

The merger between leading companies in the sector

The merger of some companies with a view to greater success on the market has been one of the most recorded trends in recent years in the medical technology sector. Merging multiple companies, in fact, has made it possible to integrate the many ideas, the technologies used and the most innovative patents to create something unique and truly impactful for the community. These unions created billions of dollars in revenue and left an indelible mark on the medical device market.

Some new entries

Next to the big companies born from excellent mergers, there are also outsiders: those small companies that have, in the space of the last decade, been able to make space by creating their own customers – often producing niche products.


Hospital designers & planners have changed: from simple suppliers of hospitals and healthcare facilities, they have changed into a real operating machine that offers solutions to medical problems. Big gains have led to big investments in research: here is the reason for their enlargement.

Non-invasive equipment

According to some research and sector studies, it seems that the global market for minimally invasive medical technology will be worth about $ 50 billion by the end of 2020. With the preference for medical equipment increasingly oriented towards catheters, laparoscopic procedures and miniaturization of technology in general, the value of this slice of the market will continue to grow for quite a while.

Development and advantages of private equity

The private equity is that activity through which a financial entity (usually an investor) detects shares in a company target by acquiring existing shares by a third party, either by subscribing for new shares bringing new capital within the target.

Over the past six to seven years, private equity has had a very strong impact on the production of medical devices: it has brought capital liquidity, company acquisitions as well as a very strong tendency towards the creation of highly specialized professional figures.

Now that we have discovered together with the 5 trends that have characterized and changed the world of the medical device market, we ask ourselves what will change and what will be created in the years to come. It is suggested to contact hospital space planners.

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