Importance of Hospital Architecture and Design

One of the most important buildings that you can find in a certain place is a hospital.

These centers are the place where patients suffering from a disease are healed and for this reason, the way in which it is built is of great importance.


They are places that have a series of places such as corridors, waiting rooms, laboratories, surgery rooms, and other places where health is taken care of.

Before trying to build a hospital center, it is essential to have an appropriate plan that dictates the steps to follow regarding the architecture of the place.

Hospital architecture

There are a number of important aspects that healthcare architecture firms in India must take into account when designing a hospital.

The role of a healthcare management consulting in India, as those who specialize in the construction of healthcare facilities are commonly known, must have the proven and necessary experience to begin designing the architecture of the hospital.

Regarding architecture, it is necessary to take into account the circulation, in other words, the flow and movement that patients, visitors, doctors, technicians, nurses will have every day, both inside and outside the building.

The location of the spaces for the different departments and the interconnection that exists between them is of utmost importance; Properly designed it can reduce unnecessary movement and stress for everyone.

Experts of hospital consultancy services in Delhi must ensure adequate transition space for staff and patients, and design appropriate treatment areas for equipment and services.

The necessary importance should be given to a series of aspects related to acoustics, privacy, security, hygiene, etc., in addition to services such as ventilation, air conditioning, medical gas networks, lighting and sanitation.

Objective of a good architecture

The main objective that architecture should have is to create a work system that focuses on the patient, focused on architecture, offering an environment of safety, cleanliness and physical comfort.

Energy conservation must be planned and executed, and some of the measures for this include the use of high-efficiency light sources, natural lighting, effective ventilation, easy maintenance, and energy recycling.

Hospital project consultants in India have to keep pace with the advances of modern medicine, nursing techniques and customer expectations of the community.

Evidence-based design

Because hospitals are expensive to build and operate, it is vitally important to use the abundant empirical evidence available to guide design.

Evidence-based design works in concert with the imagination, creativity and judgment of architects and designers, providing empirical data on the design elements that actually work.

Some important aspects that must be taken into account are:

  1. Audio environment, including ceiling, walls, and noise.
  2. Visual environment, such as natural light and views of nature.
  3. Safety, which includes air quality and ventilation.
  4. Signage, floor plans and the information desk.
  5. Sustainability, energy saving, waste management and construction materials.
  6. Patient rooms, light and temperature control.
  7. Support spaces for the family.
  8. Support spaces for staff, such as decentralized nursing workstations, proximity of supplies and medications, and comfortable rest areas.
  9. Support spaces for doctors, such as the quality of meeting rooms, the acoustics of operating rooms and the quality and location of workstations.

8 Tips For Better Hospital Construction

The health system has evolved over time, this means that medical centers must make some modifications in the construction of hospitals that allow them to adapt to current needs.


It must be taken into account that the construction of hospitals must focus on the interests of the people, ensuring their well-being; for both patients and staff.

Healthcare architecture firms in India must encompass all areas intended for the treatment, diagnosis, control of patients, such as operating rooms, doctor’s offices, emergency rooms, among others.

To carry out a construction of hospitals that guarantees greater productivity and efficiency, it is necessary to take into account the following:

8 tips for better hospital construction

  1. Get the job done

Before starting the construction procedures, it is necessary to study all the steps that will be carried out.

When building hospitals, it is important to have strict control over all the elements that include this work. From the suppliers, the construction company and the materials with which they are going to work.

It is important to hire healthcare management consulting in India to handle the hospital construction experience. This is one way of ensuring the expected result. It is also necessary to have high quality material.

  1. Outpatients

The experiences of patients greatly influence the efficiency and care provided by medical centers. Currently, outpatient procedures are the most required by these people.For the construction of hospitals, it is important to include spaces destined to meet this demand, this is an alternative to increase the income of the medical center, and optimize the areas.

  1. Do interviews

To guarantee efficient results, it is necessary that you carry out interviews with everyone who uses the hospital daily, this is a way of knowing which are the main problems and needs that arise in these facilities.

The most appropriate people to participate in the interviews should cover various areas of the hospital, such as the administrative department, the medical and nursing department, and the owners, managers of the medical center and hospital consulting companies in India.

  1. The user counts

When building hospitals, you should not forget about users. For this, it is important to work alongside the builder, this being an intelligent way to achieve a working connection with it, and achieve your expectations.It is important that hospital construction managers, such as engineers and architects, have experience in this work.

Clear and continuous communication by owners and engineers is also necessary, this being the only way to guarantee good results in hospital construction.

  1. Privacy

Privacy is a priority in hospital construction. She is considered one of the key elements in the success of medical centers, this is because it ensures greater comfort for patients.

Privacy has to be one of the goals to achieve during this procedure. It is a way to increase patient compliance with hospital facilities.

Currently, people are looking for spaces that, in addition to guaranteeing good results and improved care, ensuring strict privacy, this will be possible through the designs presented by these institutions.

  1. Phased building

It’s okay to work out the building in phases.This is an efficient way to ensure considerable savings over the costs of hospital construction. However, this has the disadvantage of increasing the processing time.

It is necessary to start working directly with your financial adviser, the executive team, hospital management consultancy in India and the board of the medical staff, with the requirement that everyone agrees to carry out the construction of hospitals in phase.

  1. Personnel planning

The design of the location of the departments that occupy the hospital influences a large percentage with its productivity. Performing proper hospital space planning design maximizes staff flow and efficiency.

  1. Expansibility

The health area is constantly evolving, which is why the future of medical care is considered to be unpredictable.

The technological advances in medical equipment, treatments and studies are perfected over time, this is an element that must be considered during the construction of hospitals.

Creating ideal spaces to allow these studies to continue, as research laboratories is one of the ways to allow the expandability of hospital construction.

Hospital Architecture- A Therapeutic Element

Science is in charge of the prediction, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases. For its part, hospital architecture firms in India are responsible for developing the physical infrastructure to optimize medical processes in order to improve care times.


Previously, hospital architecture was conceived only to provide medical care, so the buildings had pure shapes, and their design was purely functional in a way that responded to the norm and needs. However, the design of modern hospital architecture (born from medical evidence and research as well as having special attention to every detail that makes up the medical processes and daily use of the facilities) has technology and its constant evolution as its main ally.

Hospital architecture is now seen as a therapeutic element since it aids in reducing the stress in patients, resulting in better recovery process. That’s how hospital consultancy services in Delhi have become a differentiating and important element to consider in medical sector.

Why not before and now yes?

It is important to point out that earlier, the variety of materials that complied with the standard of hospital infrastructure was limited; the construction systems were very rigid and the designs were purely functional.

Fortunately, today the progress in each of these aspects and the variety of possibilities offered by the market in terms of specifications, construction systems, equipment and furniture has enabled healthcare consultancy in India to design with the well-being of patients, their companions and medical personnel.

Understanding the importance of light, thermal comfort, silence, landscaping and interior design in a hospital is vital because they are the starting point to achieve that differentiating aspect. For a hospital, medical care equipment and innovative infrastructure guarantees a greater influx of patients. But to get there (innovative infrastructure) the implementation of smart materials and modern technologies are the “vehicle” to make it feasible and to create designs that meet the standard and function.

Nowadays it is possible to guarantee natural lighting (knowing how to control its incidence in spaces), provide thermal comfort (ensuring adequate ventilation), offer interior and exterior landscaping through physical and visual contact with terraces and gardens (guaranteeing that there will be no risk infection and contamination for patients), control noise (to make recovery spaces quieter) to the point of “hiding” the medical equipment (which is not aesthetically pleasing) since this often intimidates and scares the patient .

It is clear that hospital project consultants in India will continue to evolve, thanks to technological advances and that is why more and more hospitals are joining this architectural revolution almost taken out of a science fiction movie. And is that so or did you imagine that one day it would be possible to walk among nature in a hospital? Could you work on the laptop comfortably in a waiting room?

Healthcare architecture firms in India have taken an exceptional turn to the conception that previously prevailed so that you will see more and more hospitals that, in addition to meeting a primary need, will seem almost like a majestic work of architecture. It only remains to say that beyond the institutional image that modern architecture provides to hospitals, what should be emphasized the most is that the patient is dignified in such a way that despite being ill, he feels together with his family in a friendly place that makes his stay pleasant and peaceful.

5 Current Trends In Hospital Infrastructure

With the humanization of the hospital infrastructure, healing environments are achieved that refer to the interaction of the five senses with the atmosphere. For this reason, natural light, exterior views, privacy, lighting control, colors, cleanliness, climate, sounds (noises), accessibility, etc., are essential to achieve a welcoming and pleasant environment for patients and staff assistance.


Health infrastructure today is one of the most complex challenges for healthcare architecture firms in India; the hospital building is the most difficult to design due to the complexity of the technologies that are integrated, and the expectations of patients and families, which combined with those of healthcare processes, are the input to design a healthcare environment.

Here are some important aspects to take into account in the coherent development of an infrastructure project for health use:

  1. Hospital architectural design must be based on evidence

It is based on defining the objectives of the hospital, collecting relevant information, exploring/ interpreting the reliable research that supports the objective, innovating to use of knowledge to design and obtain the best possible results and developing hypotheses about the expected results.

Establish a baseline for performance indicators, and monitor the design implementation and construction of post-occupation databases to measure results.

  1. The environment as a healing element

The perfect balance between structure and nature is one of the great challenges for healthcare management consulting in India, it requires exquisite style, respect for nature and the site of the project.

It should be considered not to plant trees near the hospitalization areas if the growth of branches and roots behaves horizontally, as well as choosing species that do not produce fruits, flowers or seeds, since these attract birds and insects, which promote the dispersal of fungi, molds, spores and in some cases simulate the role of vectors. The different modalities of landscaping installation must be valid and previously tested, so that the operation of the center does not generate problems such as:

  • Technical difficulties for maintenance and irrigation
  • Leaks
  • Unplanned growth and location
  • Damage to structure and networks by roots and branches
  1. Focus on efficiency, effectiveness and patient safety

Hand-washing is the most basic and important step in hygiene protocols, so it is the responsibility of the hospital management consultancy services to implement a design where the sinks are perfectly located, with the necessary accessibility and visibility for healthcare and medical personnel.

  1. Include sustainable design practices

These are design and construction practices that greatly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment and its occupants:

  • Sustainable location
  • Protection and efficiency in the use of water
  • Energy efficiency and use of renewable energy
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • Indoor environmental quality

Sustainable design can contribute up to 2.5 days in advance as a benefit, as an impact of the green building on the care process. These practices include multiple alternatives of efficiency and energy saving, such as geothermal cooling systems for air conditioning, injecting cold water to the depth of the earth and recovering it at low temperature. The challenge is to find innovative and dynamic systems that allow each other to be potentiated and thus achieve maximum energy savings.

  1. Humanization of infrastructure

The creation of healing environments refers to the interaction of the five senses with the atmosphere. Hospital consulting firms in India concern the importance of architectural design, natural light, exterior views, privacy, lighting control, colors, cleanliness, climate, sounds (noises), accessibility and ease of communication,construction materials, finishes and furniture, which are essential to achieve a welcoming and pleasant environment for patients and healthcare staff.

What Defines The Role Of Hospital Consulting Firms?

Prudence is defined as the action of “recognizing what you don’t know’. Consultants help us in doing what we don’t know / understand. The same goes well with the field of healthcare which has had a conservative and very snail-paced approach in our country. The prime reason being that the onus was on the government and not on the hospital consulting companies in India due to a shabby system. But in present times, we have external hospital consulting firms whose expertise is hired by a client for a specific project. External consultants in healthcare also double up as hospital planners and medical equipment consultants which make it easier for the clients to access greater proficiency on a particular subject for a limited period of time in a cost-effective manner.


As mentioned before, the hospital consultancy services have now swung into action with healthcare sector getting its priorities right all thanks to the timely investments. The dynamics of reins have now been handed over to the private players substantially. In the midst of the rapid boom, the corporatization of hospitals is seen as a positive sign to offer best healthcare in every medical specialty. Moreover, this infrastructure management of healthcare and give the benefits to the marginalized unit of the healthcare seeking population without disparity. They are also the harbingers of increasing awareness among masses, rise in spending capacity, focus on quality of service delivery, increasing competition in the sector, innovations in architecture, medicine & medical technology. Such glaring contributions have led to the hospitals sit up and take notice of the immense contributions made by the hospital consulting firms in India.

Though India did see the arrival of structured consulting in healthcare in late 1990’s, the response was somewhat lukewarm which led to the unforeseen emergence of specialized healthcare consulting firms. Over the years, it has had a reshuffle in the administration to represent in the broader terms of healthcare which also underlines the significance of healthcare architecture firms in India. To keep tabs on the current mindset and bring the best plan of action to the table, the youth has also been made part of such hospital consulting companies in India.

Hospital consultants work relentlessly in the direction of assisting the business owners conceptualize healthcare projects; more so by assessing the feasibility based on the crucial demand-supply mechanics, operational sustainability and financial outcomes. Add to that the inputs provided in the architectural and medical equipment planning and project implementation. Such in-depth knowledge of the expertise and relevant industry knowledge can bring the desired results in a short of span of time.

The services of hospital consultancy services are a great booster for the already established hospitals as well. They help the running hospitals to figure out the major challenges with regard to improving work-flow and efficiency, increasing revenues and reducing costs, elevating patient and staff satisfaction, optimizing operations with better use of technology, business development and turnaround strategies. Hence, the need of the hour for the healthcare sector is to exploit the knowledge resource of these hospital management consultancy services which can help in not just build a class infrastructure for hospitals but shall also make India a favored country for healthcare to the world.

Role of Healthcare Architecture Firms in India

Designing and planning to build a hospital require exceptional knowledge and skill in various fields which is almost impossible for a single person. The healthcare architecture firms in India helps to make an effective plan and design that leads to the construction of a well constructed healthcare facility and run a smooth and successful functioning of a hospital. Hospital designs are more complex in comparison to any building design. To provide various types of services such as emergency rooms, clinical laboratories, security, surgery, hospitality and food serving that meet with regulatory codes need exclusive and detailed planning, you need hospital project consultants in India.

The perfect hospital design provides all functional requirements according to human needs that include:

  • Bed-related inpatient functions
  • Outpatient functions
  • Diagnostic and treatment functions
  • Administrative functions
  • Service functions
  • Search and teaching functions etc.


The smooth movement of people, material and waste, effective communication and convenient transportation is the key requirement of any hospital building.

What would be the building attributes in a hospital design?

Hospital space planners should present a design that includes:

  • Shortening of the distance between frequently used spaces to speed up efficiency.
  • Facilitating the convenient supervision of patients with minimum staff.
  • An excellent logistic system that provides convenient transportation of goods and supply, and removal of waste, disposable and recycles material via elevators, pneumatic tubes, box conveyors etc.
  • Provide efficient functioning between the surgical unit and incentive care unit.

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Architecture for Health: Buildings that Heal

“The whole is better than the amount of its portions”; thus Aristotle abridged the bases of holism. It is about examining and considerate the systems as a combined and worldwide set that is, in short, going to establish the behavior of its diverse parts. But he does not believe that this “everything” is only a sum of its parts, but that the synergies between them achieve a much more complex system.

As such, architecture can, therefore, be integrated into a holistic system that tries to respond to different needs of the human being from different perspectives; but today, we want to highlight the concrete relationship of hospital architecture with holistic architecture. In this sense and from the point of view of psychology, Abraham Maslow already spoke of the satisfaction of the needs of his pyramid (physiological, security, social, recognition and self-realization) to achieve complete health, from the point of view of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual view.

Currently, medicine tends to be a holistic discipline, according to which the individual should be treated as a whole and provided with comprehensive health care related to physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, exercise, social relationships and also the habitat. Therefore, today, architecturally speaking, we tend to subscribe to this holistic commitment to health, seeking better visual and spatial quality and greater readability of hospital buildings that may be beneficial for patients.


Healthcare architecture firms in India firmly trust that curing is possible, in part, through space. To attain an adequate space, we take into account the machinery that will be available, and we always seek the integration of natural light, chromatic and natural and green spaces, both inside the building and around it. The goal is always to improve user comfort. A good sanitary building is one in which the user feels that he is receiving the necessary care without perceiving that he is in a sanitary building”.

Once inside, the chromatic game that welcomes the patient will accompany him through the clinic, identifying each color with a specialty.

For us, scale, light or ventilation are basic elements, but in the well-being of a patient comfort and beauty are also fundamental. For a hospital to have the ability to heal it must be properly organized in architectural terms, but also, as we mentioned before, to be comfortable and to overcome the feeling of confinement that these buildings often cause.

From students, young aspiring architects are intimidated by their teachers when dealing with complex issues, such as prisons, social housing, and hospitals. More seductive are museums, theaters, and cultural centers, where the “artist” can give free rein to their creativity.

Buildings related to health, on the other hand, are among the most complex and technified, since their facilities, networks, special equipment, and spatial relationships must respond to precise requirements and to a host of restrictions that limit, or at least relegate to the background, the expressive value of the work.

However, the rejection that provokes this type of hospital space planning design rests fundamentally on the fear of the unknown and on simple prejudice. Beauty, in this case, is in the right way to respond to the problem; in contributing to the recovery of the patient.

On the other hand, it has been the same hospital architecture that has forgotten its user, in its human dimension, allowing machinist efficiency and procedural asepsis, end up eclipsing those fundamental aspects in the care of a patient, as is its assessment as an individual.

Hospital Architects Help to Create Your Business Image

Hospital decoration design is a mixed public building in civil construction. With the evolution of the times and the advancement of science and technology. The old hospital buildings have not adapted to the new needs of modern clinical medicine for the diagnosis and treatment environment. The internal layout of the hospital building slowly formed a sensible and useful overall direction for each functional department (outpatient, ward, and medical technology).  The decorative design of the hospital saves the time for patient treatment and improves the hospital’s service efficiency.

The hospital design brand is not inherent and requires long-term cultivation and construction. The construction of hospital design brand culture is also indispensable. Many people believe that brand hospitals with broad cultural and profound backgrounds and brands lacking cultural heritage may become market competitions.

The rush of passing passengers will only leave a short-term memory. Hospital management consultancy in India advocate the cultural connotation of brand building, that is, let the culture lead the brand and make the intangible drive tangible. The facts show that the hospital’s brand building innovation and perseverance will only be rooted in the fertile soil of hospital culture.


Hospital design is the soul of the brand building

The hospital design brand building is not only the manufacturing of tangible things but also the creation of dark atmosphere. With the increasing homogeneity of medical technology, hospital culture has played an increasingly important role in promoting hospital reform and development because of its unique charm. This is obvious to all. Similarly, brand building is also inseparable from the construction of hospital culture. The primary values are taken as the core of hospital culture construction.

The essence of the hospital design brand building is the shaping of subject values, which is separated from the shaping of subject values, and brand building is like “the skin. If there is no, Mao will be attached to the metaphor, the brand building will become wood without a source of water, and the brand building will fall into the predicament. Therefore, cultural construction is the soul of the brand building.

Hospital design and brand building complement each other

Hospital design leads to the brand building. Similarly, the brand building also provides an excellent platform for hospital culture construction. Most of the medical institutions in the country are now carrying out extensive hospital cultural construction, and the brand building platform will promote the development of hospital culture and indeed put the core values of “people-oriented” and “cultural people” in hospital culture into practice. To play an active role in hospital reform and development.

The difference between hospital design and other brands 

Hospital design is different from corporate products. It does not have a life cycle. As long as it is properly kept safe, it may become prosperous. On the other hand, hospital designers & planners are focused on pursuing social benefits.

Best Services of hospital designers & planners

This differs from other brands. Brand building in enterprises or businesses is mostly a strategic choice based on maximization of profits and stabilization. It is a means to protect their interests. The purpose of hospital brand building is to pursue the best status of quality, safety, service, cost, and performance, to improve the skills and level of medical services, and to meet the growing population’s medical care as much as possible. Health care needs, this is the fundamental purpose of hospital brand building.

Advantages of Adopting Hospital Management Software

The management procedure of a hospital is hectic, concluding related activities from the financial side, through the administrative sector and human resources, to nutrition and diagnostic medicine. It is not difficult to visualize, therefore, that the administration of this amount of different tasks and information consumes a lot of time and generates a lot of work for the managers. In the meantime, the software developed explicitly for hospital management emerged as facilitators of that routine, upgrading the quality of the services provided and the safety of the patients served. Do you want to know other benefits?

Agility for day to day

Hospital consultancy services in India provides the automation of the activities involved in the routine of administration, from the scheduling of examinations to the classification of risks of patients in triage. In this way, the tasks are accomplished in a more natural and agiler way, which optimizes the tempo of the managers and the officers, decreasing the weight of the patients for the due attention.

Construction of electronic information bases

Hospital management software has its platforms to receive the different types of information, allowing the creation of varying information bases (financial, administrative or medical records of patients). In this way, the management and control of hospital data are facilitated.

Use of electronic clinical records

Another significant advantage of hospital management software is the possibility of generating electronic clinical records for health experts and patients treated by the hospital. With the use of these records, it is possible to store your registration, medical information, and exams in one place. In this way, this clinical information may be available to all professionals involved in their care, facilitating diagnosis and expediting the routine of the medical team.

Reduction in the rate of human errors

The adoption of electronic medical records improves patient safety, once the prescriptions of medicines and therapies become more readable. Also, this computerization of the medical information registry enables the realization of proactive validations of clinical data, such as pharmacological versus allergic relationships and the different interactions between drugs, diagnoses, and examinations.

Optimization of hospital costs

The main benefits of hospital management consulting company is the modification of the prices of the organization. Specific platforms for financial control allow, for example, the organization of cash flow enabling a rigid control of all hospital expenses. In this method, it is possible to identify and eliminate unnecessary costs, relocate resources for the most productive activities and increase the profits of the health institution, without neglecting the safety of patients.


Online scheduling of consultations and exams

Nothing more comfortable for a patient than the possibility of scheduling appointments and reviews online, without having to leave the house or listen to automatic messages from the call center. Hospital management software offers specific platforms for this scheduling, increasing comfort for patients and decreasing costs with call center systems.

Ease of access to information

As we have told, the electronic hospital management soft ware’s allow the combination of the data of the various sectors of the hospital (such as the pharmacy, the workshop, and the image clinics), so that the information is remotely obtainable by the officials. In this way, it is possible to avoid that the professionals involved are lost in the health units, optimizing the time of dedication to the patient.

Hospital Design is the Most Important Part of Hospital Consulting Planning

Gone are the days when people used to associate hospitals simply with doctor’s reputation. Nowadays, people want everything including well equipped laboratories, qualified doctors, online availability of the hospital, as well as properly planned space.

Our impression of hospital decoration design in the past was often associated with the feeling of “overcrowding,” “disorderly” and “poor direction.” The occurrence of these conditions was related to the planned economy and development of our country at the time. With the development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of medical standards, people have set higher requirements for the hospital environment.

At the same time, the old hospital environment can no longer meet the requirements of modern medicine, and it is urgent to improve the hospital’s beautiful design environment. Creating a good and comfortable environment has become the focus of hospital designers & planners. The following are discussed separately from the overall plan.

Best Services of hospital designers & planners

As we all know, hospitals should have a relatively quiet surrounding environment, but many hospitals are decorated and designed in the bustling and prosperous areas of the city. The atmosphere of a hospital is, to a large extent, dependent on the merits of the overall plan. Therefore, its floorplan is particularly important. The overall plan includes two aspects. The first is the coordination between the hospital and the surrounding urban environment, that is, the logical layout of various streamlines and controls (the layout of the environment inside and outside the hospital); the second is a good combination of different functional areas within the hospital.

The traffic flow line in hospital decoration design is more complicated, including the flow of people, logistics, traffic, and pollution. Among them, the flow of people includes the streamline of the staff and the streamline of the patient. The streamline of the hospital is inextricably linked with the hospital process. It is a combination of hospital management and hospital decoration design. These streamlines should be both simple and neat, but also avoid crossing each other.

Hospital decoration design is a complex public building in civil construction. With the development of the times and the advancement of science and technology, the old hospital buildings have not adapted to the new requirements of modern clinical medicine for the diagnosis and treatment environment. The internal layout of the hospital building gradually formed a reasonable and effective overall direction for each functional department (outpatient, ward, and medical technology).

In short, the overall planning of the hospital’s decorative design is related to the pros and cons of the hospital’s environmental space. Hospital space planners know the ins and outs of the industry and they work as a consultant of your brand by creating a space that not only suits the needs of patients but also fits in your pocket.