How Does Hospital Equipment Planning Impacts the Experience?

The modern hospital is in constant renewal. It contrasts, in a spectacular way, with that of previous centuries, one of the characteristics of which was stability. It is technique and medical progress that have introduced a new dimension that of the pre-eminence of medical technology, of cutting-edge expertise linked to multiple players; that of an increasingly complex organization, subject to the demands of costly technologies and correct Hospital Equipment Planning. Intervening by an operative act, obtaining a CT or MRI image, subjecting the patient to laser irradiation is part of everyday medical practice.

The rapid development of the means and techniques applied has demonstrated the fleeting nature of the standards and the need to diversify the solutions according to the specificity of local needs. All this combined with the degree of public demand for the non-exclusivity of medical information in hospitals and the fact that the population is more and more informed of technological advances. All these elements mean that the pressure on health establishments and their managers is constantly increasing.

And due to this, it is of utmost importance to take help of Health Care Equipment Planners to better manage your hospital or medical centre so that the doctors and their helpers can get the required technical support timely.

Role of ventilation systems in a hospital

Ensuring the necessary air cleanliness in health care facilities is one of the defining conditions for preventing nosocomial infection, reducing postoperative complications and successful treatment of patients with various diagnoses. To solve these problems in medical institutions, the use of ventilation systems is required (using, if necessary, clean rooms).

Tasks of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in hospitals:

  • To provide optimal air parameters in rooms (temperature, mobility, relative air humidity);
  • Ensure the required sanitary and microbiological parameters of the air environment (chemical, radiological and bacterial composition of the room air, maximum permissible concentrations of drugs, absence of odours);
  • Exclude the possibility of overflow of air masses from dirty areas to clean areas of the room;
  • Prevent the formation and accumulation of static electricity and eliminate the risk of explosion of gases used for anesthesia and other technological processes;
  • Create an isolated air regime for wards, ward sections and departments, operating and delivery units and other structural units of medical facilities in order to exclude the transfer of infection from the premises and ensure the required class of air cleanliness in the room;
  • Prevent the release of harmful substances from the ventilation systems of a medical institution into the environment.

Ventilation and air conditioning is a fundamental section in the Medical Equipment Planning and design of the construction or reconstruction of a medical institution. The level of risk of nosocomial infection, the number of postoperative complications and the results of the entire institution as a whole depend on how well the ventilation system of the medical institution is designed, what equipment is included in the project, how it is installed. When implementing medical projects, the Health Care Equipment Planners pay special attention not only to the design but also to the quality of the selected engineering equipment, all this clearly shows how valuable it is to take help of an expert in the field. So, for better coordination and planning, consult Astron Healthcare.

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