Health Infrastructure Planning: Identifying Project Requirements

The process of creating optimal hygienic conditions in medical institutions is determined by the peculiarities of land planning and development, arrangement and internal planning of buildings, their sanitary and technical improvement, as well as the sanitary condition during operation.

In planning a hospital, getting accurate data is crucial. There are no right solutions for everything and only from a deep understanding of the context, demographics, population served, the necessary medical disciplines or the already existing facilities of the environment, will it be possible to predict and develop an adequate functional program.

Different realities need different hospitals. The design of a centre in a rural environment or in a large urban agglomeration involves different issues, and designing for different countries will involve knowing the different realities of the local context.

In each country, it is possible to identify those common diseases or the most necessary treatments, which will help us plan hospitals that focus on the most serious local health challenges.

The architecture and planning of a hospital are of crucial long-term importance for proper patient care and functionality. They form the basis for optimal work processes and, in turn, minimize the workload of the hospital staff.

Hygiene, flexible work options and cost optimization play an important role in the design of workplaces, but they are not the only factors that play a role: patient and staff satisfaction is also key.

Arrangement and organization of treatment and prevention facilities, in accordance with hygienic requirements, make it possible to:

  • Create the best environmental conditions for patients;
  • Contribute to the introduction of treatment and protection regime;
  • Prevent the occurrence of nosocomial infections;
  • Facilitate the medical work of medical staff;
  • Promote the fastest recovery of patients and provide optimal conditions for the activities of health professionals.

After all, without proper hygienic conditions, therapeutic actions are powerless. As science and technology, including medicine, medical technology, and sanitary technology, are constantly being improved, deepened, and scientifically developed, hospital buildings are constantly being rebuilt and completed.

Investment costs for a hospital are unpredictably high. In rational business planning and economic field program, operating and personnel costs should be taken into consideration first, and all this could be done with the help of hospital consultants in Delhi NCR.

In the first phase of business planning, the builder, architects, expert planners and the hospital administration should meet together in order to minimize incorrect investment decisions and unfavorable operating expenses.

It is important that the architects cooperate with the administration and specialist engineers (hospital planners, hygienists) in dissertation.

The basis of business planning consists of equipment planning for construction, form, installation and construction system, medical technical requirements and equipment.

Hospitals are institutions that provide treatment and care for patients with severe and chronic complaints. Hospitals differ in the type, scope, area of ​​expertise and the size of the treatment equipment.

While hospitals were planned as medical surgical institutions in the past, it is emphasized that the institutions are made suitable for human beings with the new trend today, all thanks to healthcare management consulting in India.

Humanization And Quality Of Hospital Environments

The trends in relation to the planning, design and equipment of the entities that offer health services at this time focus on several aspects to be able to cover the different variables that protect the needs of the moment.

Current trends should be based on at least 8 topics:

  1. Creation of curative environments
  2. Evidence-based design
  3. Construction sustainability
  4. Quality certifications
  5. Patient safety
  6. Infection control
  7. Incorporation of technologies
  8. Communication

The creation of healing environments refers to the interaction of the five senses with the environment. Senses that allow knowing and enjoying, therefore they are potential to heal, work, feel pleasure and communicate.

Several authors highlight the importance of architectural design, natural light, exterior views, privacy, lighting control, colours, cleanliness, climate, sounds (noises), accessibility and ease of communication, clear signage, the construction materials, finishes and furniture are essential to achieve a welcoming and pleasant environment for patients and healthcare personnel.

A very expensive hospital building does not necessarily mean that it is of good quality, it can have many undesirable characteristics such as improper operation of the proximity relationships between departments, very small spaces, insufficient sound insulation between the offices, etc.


In the design of hospital environments, in addition to meeting the spatial and functional requirements, it is important to consider some basic criteria that contribute to the humanization of these environments, such as security and privacy. And this is why, it is of utmost important to contact healthcare architecture firms in India before building your medical center or hospital.

Safety: The physical environment should try to safeguard the personal sensitivity and human dignity of patients and their families, try to lessen their anxieties and concerns, especially in those cases where patients and their families are going through difficult times, such as: waiting for the results of a surgery, an emergency, intensive therapy, or a crucial diagnosis.

This can be considered when selecting finishes, taking into account that there is no need to create all aseptic environments giving priority to maintenance, reflective surfaces are not desirable.

Security can be provided by providing a warm non-institutional environment, in order to reduce fear, and increase the confidence and self-esteem of the users.

Privacy: it is a primary consideration in the design of environments conducive to the practice of Medicine. This sensation is crucial for patients receiving a certain type of treatment, such as cancer patients, which frequently manifest feelings of depression, anxiety, fear of being discriminated against, rejection, etc.

The physical environment and the size of the spaces should provide adequate levels of privacy. While waiting in critical areas, personalized spaces are necessary where families can wait together with a minimum of contact with other patients, but it is also convenient to have spaces that suggest a certain sociability and stimulate personal contact since some patients and families feel considerable support by sharing your concerns with others who are experiencing the same situation.

According to hospital project consultants in India, in the internal areas of the emergency or first aid department, it is convenient to visually and acoustically separate the pediatrics areas from those for adults, women from men, critical patients from chronic patients, in order to lessen the impressions that may psychologically disturb the patients and their families, and prevent their recovery, reassurance and progress.

Why The Focus Of A Medical Center Should Always Be On The Patients?

Whichever industry you are in, the first way to compete is to differentiate yourself from your competitors. The situation in the health sector is not different.

Moreover, in the health sector, patients want to see you different from other hospitals, as well as position themselves differently to feel different than other patients. This happens only with their satisfaction.


Hospitals that aim to be the hospital that know their patients best and meet their expectations best have high service quality and customer satisfaction, which are the biggest weapons of the companies in the competition race.

There is a sense of loyalty in satisfied patients and they encourage their relatives as they come to your hospital. Therefore, there is a visible increase in the number of patients in a short time.

The success and sustainability of the service offered by healthcare institutions depends largely on the ability of patients to meet their requests and expectations.

In order for the healthcare institution to meet patient expectations, patients’ satisfaction with the service provided should be investigated. It is important in terms of patient satisfaction that the health institution knows its patients, establishes better relations with them, determines their demands and expectations.

If we get to know our patients’ demographic characteristics, lifestyles, needs, income levels, service-receiving habits, and the reference groups they use more closely, we can provide them with better service than other hospitals.

By measuring patient satisfaction; It is necessary to learn the satisfaction status, expectations, suggestions and feedback of patients benefiting from healthcare services, to ensure continuous improvement of quality throughout the entire service process, and to investigate the effects of socio-demographic and treatment process variables on patient satisfaction.

It also provides managers with important information about patient satisfaction, the structure, process and outcome of healthcare services.

According to satisfaction studies, the expectations of the patients from the hospital are roughly:

  • Correct diagnosis, diagnostic procedures
  • Correct treatment
  • Knowledgeable, qualified and skilled health professionals
  • Respect, attentive service
  • Friendly service
  • Timely service
  • Clean environment
  • Reasonable price

Patients’ expectations from nurses

  • Be friendly and caring
  • Being knowledgeable, qualified and resourceful
  • Timely and open communication
  • Clean environment
  • A quiet environment
  • Fluid patient care processes

Determining patient profiles and expectations is actually a kind of market research application. In market research, heterogeneous market with different behaviours according to patient profiles should be divided into homogeneous market segments having similar characteristics, this could be done with the help of hospital consultancy in India.

With this method, also known as market segmentation, the market must be divided according to criteria such as demographic, socio-economic, psychological, geographic and buyer behaviour, and information about the target customers and expectations in the most appropriate market segments must be obtained.

As a result, determining the patient profile and expectations plays an important role in the management of the health service provided to the patient.

In patients’ perception of quality service; Matters such as waiting times of patients, courtesy and consistency of employees, accessibility to service, delivery of the service provided at once and correctly, and timely and complete delivery of the service are important. And this is why, we suggest you to contact hospital consultants in Delhi NCR so that you can serve your customers in the best way.

What Can Be Done To Increase Hospital-Based Fidelity?

The way to ensure the patient’s loyalty to the institution is through the patient’s heart. Just like the bond of trust between the patient and the doctor, a bond should be established.

In this sense, in order for the call centre to establish this communication and to carry out projects, information flow should be ensured from each department, and everyone from the lowest official to the top manager should contribute to this data.

What Can Be Done to Increase Hospital-Based Fidelity?

For example, every patient who enters hospital for any type of treatment should be called after the completion of his/her treatment to know about the satisfaction level.

His complaint, if any, should be listened to, and information should be given again when the issue is resolved. These patients should not be called only once, but should be examined periodically, at least once a month, for new applications. You can apply such measures in your hospital after making a consultation with hospital consultancy firms in India.

Or, if the patient has given birth in your hospital, they should be under close follow-up of the paediatric unit. For example, you can check whether a baby had the tuberculosis vaccine or not, and you can pass the feeling of interest and trust.

For example, if a patient/patient’s relative who regularly comes to the internal medicine department has not come to any other department, this person can be offered to have look on other departments of the hospital as well.

Of course, this requires a strong transcript supported by medical data. For example, it may be reminded that a diabetic patient should have an eye examination periodically and the reasons for this can be cited.

Thanks to effective management, you know your patients and their families, and thanks to proactive marketing, you can increase the variety of services they benefit from and keep patient loyalty at high levels.

Word of mouth is the most effective form of advertising in the world. An unsatisfied patient who is not followed up and is not attended to should reach you without telling others about his complaint so that you can keep the broken arm in the sleeve.

Otherwise, it is possible for the institution to lose both current and potential patients. However, thanks to the feedback, suggestions and complaints from patients, business processes can be improved and effective patient relationship management is provided.

In this way, a difference is made in the eyes of the patient. For example, by developing a complaint suggestion system, gathering all future suggestions and complaints in a single centre and analysing the results, eliminating possible problems and improving processes will make a difference in the eyes of the patient.

Marketing campaigns can be prepared with an effective call centre application. However, the patient list on which these campaigns will be implemented must be carefully prepared.

There should be many screening criteria according to the advice of hospital consultants in Delhi NCR. For example, if you are going to send a congratulatory message on mother’s day, the person you send should not have lost their child in your hospital during pregnancy.

Otherwise, you may face an inappropriate situation and cause the patient to be upset and dissatisfied while the patient wants to maintain loyalty.

Patient Loyalty And The Importance Of Brand Power In The Health Sector

One of the factorsthat increases patient loyalty is the prestige that the power of the brand gives you. Some patients choose and stay hospital simply believing in the power and prestige of the brand. One of the most important duties of such hospitals is not to damage this strong perception.

The prestigious hospital does not necessarily have to have brand power. But a hospital with brand power must be prestigious and fulfil the strength of the brand.

Your brand power builds over time, with your advertising work, your high service quality and your dignity in your business. Because branding means transforming into an institutionalized state of quality and nobility. Nobility, on the other hand, depends on having a well-worked corporate culture.

Institutional culture is realized by the understanding and acceptance of the logic of “This is how things work here” by all business partners that make up the institution.

The impact of corporate culture on the perception of prestige and therefore on the brand power you are trying to create is very high.

In hospitals with a strong corporate culture, all doctors and business partners adhere to established behavioural criteria that indicate how they should behave and give a more integrated image. Generally, strong and effective management is done by contacting healthcare consulting firms in India, and this is the reason why we would like to suggest the same thing for you, to contact an expert.

On the other hand, in hospitals with a weak corporate culture, everybody plays differently because no one is sure about what to do and how to do it.

In such hospitals, some doctors and nurses take the initiative and some criticize them constantly. As a result, a chaotic situation emerges, and the patient’s trust in the hospital is damaged.

Knowing your customers closely, following them and doing a deepened data study, establishing a strong call team with a good CRM support will benefit you in terms of customer relations in every sector.

Because in customer relations management, satisfied customers are reflected in the whole process and provide loyal customers. This naturally brings profitability.

Patient satisfaction is a component of assessing quality of care. The measurement of patient satisfaction is part of a global context of the rise in the role of the user in the organization of the health system and the growing role of quality approaches.

The service provided to the customer and therefore its appreciation hold a central place. Today, patients are active partners in the care offered to them and their satisfaction is considered as an indicator of the quality of care.

The collection of their point of view is necessary to assess the quality of a healthcare system as well as the technical considerations that healthcare professionals may deliver.

The quality of this new relationship between the patient and his doctor and the satisfaction expressed by the patient must be evaluated in order to bring about continuous improvement, and this can be done with the help of hospital management consultancy services.

Keep in mind that some patients are more familiar with the digital world than we think. Another recommendation is to reduce waiting times. It is also advisable to create a harmonious work environment. This influences the quality of care received and patient satisfaction with our services.

Promote Efficiency In A Hospital With Management Consultants

Management in health care involves the management of labor, financial and material resources of the medical organization. At the same time, the most obvious and seemingly understandable personnel management is associated with a huge number of problems and contradictions.

And the most acute problem is the lack of medical personnel, both doctors and nurses. The most effective solution to the problem of personnel shortage in a medical organization may be to create conditions that motivate personnel to work in it.

Medical organizations, due to the lack of practical experience, theoretical knowledge, do not use advertising and marketing in their activities. Although the principles of marketing in healthcare and advertising of healthcare services and goods are widely used all over the world.

A shortage of health workers is often a major obstacle to strengthening health systems, but efficiency can also be undermined by ineffective recruitment, inadequate training, and poor oversight.

A holistic approach to hospital transformation, based on the central role of doctors and health care processes, can help hospitals and the health system as a whole provide health care that is more financially sustainable, patient-centered, and understandable to doctors.

As suggested by top hospital consultants in India, to stabilize the finances of the hospital, it is necessary to use some initiatives, such as the implementation of efficient Hospital Management that guarantees intelligent accounting and profits.

There are no defined rules that ensure the success of hospital management, but there are factors that must be especially taken care of to increase the chances of creating a successful organization.

The leader is an indispensable role of any institution, he is the person who at the individual level will most mark the organization.

You will be in charge of defining the strategic lines, but you must also know how to motivate those around you, choose your team properly and resolve conflicts in a professional manner. A good leader greatly increases the chances of success of hospital management.

Setting strategic objectives and developing plans with concrete actions that allow reaching them is one of the basic functions of management. The objectives and actions must be periodically reviewed and modified, if applicable. An organization should never be afraid of change.

Patient-centered care is about meeting the needs of patients and the market, although to get to that point, we must first know what those needs are. Communication channels must be opened to collect the opinions of patients and allow them to assess their experience.

Along with this, knowing how to choose the right staff, motivate them, make them participate in the mission and vision of the institution, get their maximum potential and their best performance are some of the great challenges of hospital management.

Hospital management involves continually optimizing what already exists and incorporating changes that lead to higher levels of quality.

We recommend you to contact hospital consultants in Delhi NCR as they will make this procedure simple for you, by giving the advice and suggestions that will benefit your hospital.

The Importance Of Data For Decision-Making In The Health Sector

More and more data is being collected every day. And the health field is no exception.The sources are manifold: electronic health records, laboratory analyzes, data generated by medical devices, as well as the amount of new scientific studies published continuously.

It is therefore becoming increasingly difficult to manage all this information and keep up with new discoveries in the biomedical field.

hospital consulting companies in India

On the one hand, the digitization of clinical data can improve its accuracy and the speed with which it is collected, shared and effectively used in making decisions.

On the other hand, the increasing amount of data that researchers and clinicians are exposed can lead to the risk of information overload. In fact, doctors need not to have more data, but to have reliable and relevant data.

Data is considered to be the fuel of digital transformation, regardless of whether or not it is used for analysis and decision-making, access to data is of vital importance today.

However, on some occasions there are doubts about the data themselves and there is mistrust with the information provided, especially regarding the quality of the data.

The advancement of technologies is not only revolutionizing business aspects, but also those related to everyday life.

In general, the quality of the records is associated with human errors when capturing them, however, when there is automation in the record, there are also other sources of failure, such as process interruptions or errors related to data compensation and consolidation.

Since the origin of the data is crucial to subsequently have reliable information, it is important that healthcare organizations define the data capture processes in a standardized way and systematically carry out validations and audits to guarantee quality of the data at the origin as per the recommendations of hospital management consultancy in India.

It is also important to validate the context of these, and if there was consent at the time of data capture. It is necessary to maintain a control and audit system that verifies all the risk points in which failures could have been made, all this can be done with the help of hospital consulting companies in India.

Whatever the scenario, you must have the discipline to question whether the data that is incorporated in the analysis are adequate for the purpose, if the correct factors are being taken and if the results definitely reflect reality.

At the present time in the global healthcare sectors, it is likely that advances have been made in relation to algorithms that help decision-making for healthcare professionals along with hospital consultants in Delhi NCR.

However, with regard to the administration of health services, it is still necessary to achieve that the data is accompanied by more automated analysis models that facilitate decision-making and facilitate the optimization of resources with greater agility.

Artificial intelligence, combined with digitalization, allows the monitoring of the health conditions of patients remotely, and in this way, the way chronic diseases are managed, the costs of which represent a large part of the budget dedicated to health care, are transformed and at the same time strengthened.

As per best hospital consultants in India, robotics will open- and in part already has- new opportunities and make a valuable contribution in operating theaters: it will be easier for doctors to manage their work effectively and spend more meaningful time with their patients.

The Secrets Of Uncomplicated Hospital Management

More than a health service, the hospital ends up being a mixture of clinic, laboratory and lodging, counting even with the restaurant itself. It is then possible to affirm that the management of a hospital involves issues related to administration, hospitality, nutrition, medicine, financial system- public resources, and individuals and via health plans, internal communication, marketing, laboratory and image tests, social services, multi-professional team, multidisciplinary and naturally patients.

The great objective of the hospital manager, therefore, is to integrate all these sectors, facilitating the flow of information, guaranteeing the improvement of the hospital processes and making the assistance provided to patients more effective. It is the manager who decides what innovations to do, what investments to make, how to obtain more resources, which sectors to close, etc., and must, therefore, be qualified and qualified to make such decisions.

That is why here we will tell you all the secrets of a hospital consulting companies in India without complications: a super guide that contains various topics that are part of the manager’s day-to-day life.

The secrets of efficient hospital administration

In the current context, efficient hospital administration should seek the centralization of services in the patient and their needs. The ultimate goal must always be the health and satisfaction of that person who seeks the hospital in an emergency and expects to receive the necessary assistance.


But of course, to achieve this end, various means are needed.

First, any change must have clear and positive objectives for the whole team. It is necessary that all hospital employees know and understand why the change, what are the advantages of the change for the team, what are the advantages for the hospital and, mainly, what are the advantages for the patient. Only with this clarity will any change happen with the support of all, without resistance and with the suggestions and valuable criticism for the improvement of the projects.

Therefore, it is important that the manager does not isolate himself in his role as administrator but seeks the adherence of other employees to management decisions, decentralizing power and having the direct participation of those involved in hospital processes on a daily basis.

Hospital administration also involves monitoring all aspects of the hospital and the assistance provided by the medical team through frequent measurements and evaluations. Identify what is being well executed, what should be maintained and what should be changed and improved in relation to the structure of the hospital, assistance and results. With the guarantee of an easy-to-use management system and interpretation, these evaluations can be shared, debated and interpreted by the entire team, in the search for solutions.

Another big challenge of the hospital administration is the incorporation of ethics to management decisions, since they will directly affect the well-being of patients and the accumulation of benefits generated by the hospital consultancy services . It is necessary to question the values ​​and principles that govern management, counterbalancing the nobility of the mission with the economic and financial reality of the market. In addition to ethical subordinations, hospitals are still subordinated to specific legal issues for the health sector.

How Hospital Management Consultancy in India Help Hospitals to Bring Profitability?

The healthcare industry in India faces several challenges because of increasing competition. A lot of other factors are also responsible that affect hospitals profitability such as economic recession, growth in unsecured care, and increased competition for outpatient services. To provide excellent services with increased profitability a hospital management consultancy in India can help hospitals in achieving their targets. According to top hospital consultants in India, if hospitals start focusing on two factors they can enhance their profitability for sure. These factors are:

  • Reducing costs
  • Increasing Reimbursement

The practices that help hospitals to increase revenue involve:


Reduce the staffing cost by using HRIS system:

Manpower is the biggest expense for every hospital and it is not possible for hospitals to reduce their staff. Hospitals should adopt the human resource information system (HRIS) which is online software to provide a solution for data tracking, data entry, data and data information required by the HR department of the hospital.

Hospitals can employ part-time or hourly employees. This can help hospitals to track their efficiency on an hourly basis as hours worked per case. Hourly based staff includes nurses and managers who come just a few minutes before the surgery.  Continue reading

People at the Heart of the Healthcare Transformation

The digital revolution modifies our behavior and our experiences in many areas, including health. The way we deal with our well-being, our relationship with the medical staff and the sharing of personal data are increasingly central themes. The challenges of the so-called healthcare transformation are complex, but there is a key to addressing them without the fear of a Black Mirror future: starting from people and their needs.

The four pillars for addressing healthcare transformation

One often falls into the error of identifying healthcare transformation with technology alone. But this kind of vision ignores a fundamental detail: those who use digital tools are first of all human.

It reverses the techno-centric approach, starting from the end: to understand the aspirations of the beneficiaries fully and then to build solutions able to interpret them in the best possible way. But how can we get this result? We have devised a process that develops on four fundamental pillars:


Designing human-centered

Let’s imagine that we have to do hospital management consultancy in India for a care facility for the elderly. Who better than the guests who live within it can give us a clear vision of what are the primary needs to be addressed? Confronting with them in a strongly empathetic way we identify their needs and aspirations, drawing solutions that reflect their point of view. In this way, you avoid wasting resources on projects that will not work because they are not very useful or ineffective. Continue reading