Design a Hospital That Satisfies Its Users

The success of a hospital structure depends on the harmonious work of investors, doctors, nurses, hospital managers, consultants, architects and other technical disciplines from the very beginning to the end of the project design process.

At the medical planning stage, many criteria such as horizontal and vertical relations of departments, relations of sterile and non-sterile spaces, relations of inpatient and outpatient patients should be defined correctly.

These complex relationships require a mathematical and sensitive approach to the subject. In addition, the design, material and colour selection decisions determine the psychological effect of the hospital structure on its users.

Hospital users are not only patients, but healthy people who come for control, it should not be ignored in this process, including the relatives of the patients who come to visit patients.

It is necessary to consider the product that will emerge in the hospital project not only as a structure, but as a living organism that renews itself and changes rapidly, and for this, we advise you to take help of hospital project consultants in India.

It is important to foresee how the needs program, which we have at the beginning of the project planning process, will evolve in the future, in order to create a structure that can adapt to it from the very beginning.

The correct application of this approach will reduce the additional costs that may arise in the future and in most cases will prevent being unsolved in the face of renewed needs.

When starting the design process, it is important to define all these parameters correctly and transfer them to the project for the successful emergence of the hospital.

In addition, these decisions positively affect both the project design period and the construction and operating costs. A correctly drawn up clinic design project must take into account various force majeure circumstances, including the need to transport seriously ill patients.

The experts of Astron Healthcare are always ready to prepare a hospital space planning design project for a medical centre, a children’s sanatorium, a hospital and a narrow-profile clinic.


In order for the construction project of a medical centre or any other medical facility to be completed at a high professional level, it is important to carefully consider each step at each stage of the design.

The work of hospital space planners is based on several key stages:

Preparation of sketches: A very important step, during which a complete project for the construction of a medical centre is being drawn up – the issue of planning the building, the height and area of ​​the facility, the location of the parking lot and the landscaping of the surrounding area is being resolved.

The architectural part: At this stage, the project of a medical centre becomes more understandable from the inside – specialists work out the internal placement of offices and rooms inside the building, the location of stairs and corridors, emergency exits, and select the optimal fireproof materials for construction.

Constructive stage: Another important step is for the design of the resort, hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions to fully comply with standards. Experts calculate all loads and determine the type of materials for construction, interior and exterior decoration.

Engineering training: At the final stage, a project is prepared for hospital ventilation, water supply, power grids and other engineering structures. Particular attention is paid to fire safety and the installation of autonomous electricity sources.

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