Hospital cost accounting

To overcome cost management, we must first pay attention to Health Management, that is, plan actions before directing resources and effort, which will avoid wasting energy, time and, mainly, money.  You can check the lack of planning through details, such as the lack of sustainability in the collection and storage of data, with each sector using different systems and without integration. This hinders the integral vision of the processes related to assistance and, consequently, widens the risk of rejection, which generates prejudice.

To avoid this unforeseen, it is necessary to invest in health IT solutions aimed at the optimization of cost management.

A management system (Enterprise Resource Planning – ERP), for example, unites all areas of the hospital, which automates and integrates processes. The technology reduces the mechanical tasks of the financial and accounting professionals, arranging them to reinforce the planning and the audit process of the accounts. Also, the tool integrates the information, which will avoid misinterpretations, errors of accounting records and divergences in billing that will lead to rejection.

But, for the management system to present these results, each process executed in the institution must be mapped and administered.

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The excellent management of hospital consultancy services in Delhi requires that attention is paid to the costs and supply of supplies, medicines and other essential items for the system. Thus, it is necessary to know the demand to make purchases intelligently. This will avoid two situations that can cause damage to the patient’s care:

  1. The absence of a first item for the provision of the service.
  2. The loss of materials due to expiration. These cause damage and compromise the operation of the hospital.

The ERP that controls the costs also acts in the intelligent management of the hospital warehouse, adding the processes of the pharmacy to those of the purchasing sector. The tool is supplied daily with the data that was generated in the patient’s care and visualizes, automatically, when, what is needed to buy and the quantity – what creates immediate reactions.

With this systemic and integrated vision, it becomes simpler to identify the errors that must be corrected to avoid financial problems. In this way, the institution guarantees long-term sustainability and remains far from the list of hospitals that need to wax their insolvency activities.

Expenses and revenues recognized in cost accounting are based on general accounting. Hospital cost accounting is, therefore, based on the principles of accounting standards, to produce regular and honest information.

Know the costs

The first objective is to know the costs and revenues of the various functions involved in the production of care, whether clinical, medical-technical or administrative functions.

Optimize management control

The cost accounting must allow management control to provide forward-looking information with the results of the cost accounting.

Facilitate management

Cost Accounting hospital consultancy in India provides information to management in order to facilitate appropriate decision-making.


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