Hospital Design: Every Step Counts

Despite the fact that a hospital, regardless of its purpose and structure, has all the features of the hotel industry, a special approach should always be taken to its engineering design of the building.


A hospital cannot be created on the basis of a regular hotel. The specialists working on a project will have to take into account many important features and standards, and that is why only professionals should perform these tasks.

How does a hospital project start?

Before starting work, analysts carefully study the market and decide how relevant it will be to create a particular hospital in the selected area.

At this stage, many aspects are considered- the presence of a target audience, convenient infrastructure, funding, which should be allocated by government agencies (if we are not talking about a private clinic).

When the feasibility of building a hospital is determined, the development of its details begins.

Professional hospital design involves many aspects. The designer must:

  • Think over the location of hospital premises so that they are both comfortable and spacious- an important feature of the clinic is the availability of equipment in it, which is constantly being improved, and this means that enough space must be provided for it;
  • To study what equipment will be installed in the hospital, and what energy capacities will be needed for it;
  • Think over the arrangement of blocks so as to minimize the time spent on moving employees between them;
  • It is inevitable to include the opportunities for the expansion of the hospital building in the future.

Taking these features into account, you can begin to develop project documentation for the design of premises, which involves the creation of drawings of all premises, as well as the facade view of the building itself.

Hospital designers & planners not only prepare drawings with measurements, but they also consider structural calculations of the ceiling and flooring, lists of equipment and furniture, descriptions of building materials, communications, windows, door blocks.

Also, designers develop schemes for the location of sources of electricity, lighting of premises, doctors’ offices, there are no trifles in the design of hospitals, because every detail in the future can play an important role in saving lives.

What tasks should the hospital project solve?

First of all, this document must fully comply with the purpose of the clinic as it can be a polyclinic, a specialized institution, a dispensary, a medical building, a maternity hospital, etc. It is the project that should describe all its nuances, and it will depend on it how all the requirements are met.

In addition, this document should:

  • Meet the critical standards of the Ministry of Health and other agencies,
  • Provide quality service to future patients,
  • Provide enough space for the most important hospital premises – diagnostic, radiology, intensive care, etc.,
  • Carefully distinguish between sterile and non-sterile areas of the hospital,
  • Describe any specialized equipment that will be used in the clinic.

It is the healthcare architecture firms in India who thinks through every detail of the construction and design of the building, and it is his decisions that ultimately determine not only the comfort of each patient and each doctor, but also a significant reduction in operating costs for maintaining a finished hospital.

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