How Should a Strategic Hospital Plan Be?

The impact of the current economic crisis strongly affected own health. Failure to pay state securities (through public agreements), increase in medical glosses, delays in payments by health plan operators: the environment of uncertainty in the sector is evidence of the importance of having hospital consultancy services. It is possible to prepare the institution for the future, identifying potential obstacles and making the necessary adaptations to neutralize threats and take advantage of opportunities.


The problem is that most of the managers of the segment do not know how efficient planning should be, or make wrong decisions, cut investments where they cannot, do not maintain excellent communication with employees about the mission of the company. Then, thinking about those difficulties, we elaborated the information of today to clarify the functioning of that process.

What is strategic hospital planning?

Strategic planning is a corporate process created to facilitate the reach of the desired situation in the future, through studies to diagnose critical factors that may impede the growth of the company. The aim is to establish a path that must be followed in a long-term systemic manner, designed to strengthen the organization with the ability to interact better with external factors.

In this way, it is possible to adapt to any scenario reducing uncertainties. It is straightforward: hospital planners and medical equipment consultants are a compass oriented towards the future, serving to communicate to employees, patients and investors its mission (the company’s differential in the market), vision (what the company wants to be in the future). ) and its values (principles that direct the decisions of the organization).


How is this process structured?

Hospital strategic planning is usually structured in stages: Vital diagnosis

At that stage, we must seek to answer the question: in what position is my hospital about the market? And to facilitate the analysis, the phase can be divided into:

  • Identification of the vision
  • Identification of the values
  • Internal and external analysis
  • Competition analysis

The mission of the institution

At that time, you already know where you want your hospital to arrive, but you may not know where you are now. Here you can define the reason for the existence of the institution, a stage that can be divided as follows:

  • Definition of the mission of the hospital: What is the difference between your hospital and the others?
  • Establishment of current and potential purposes: description of the action segments in which the hospital acts or intends to operate.
  • Elaboration and debate of scenarios: design of situations that can describe what will happen with the institution in the future- created using physical techniques (projections of socioeconomic data, census data, for example) or subjective (opinions of hospital space planners in the sector).
  • Development of the strategic position: formulation of the most appropriate strategies for the hospital to achieve its purposes, since respecting the results of the SWOT analysis previously carried out.
  • Definition of macro strategy and macro policies: guidelines or general actions that the institution must follow to achieve its objectives.

Quantitative and prescriptive instruments

The time has come to transform the mission into objectives, challenges, goals, and indicators so that everything that must be done to make the hospital a reference becomes concrete.

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