Importance of Spaces and Surroundings in a Hospital

For almost anyone, being in a hospital is an overwhelming experience and generates serious states of anxiety, anguish, stress, etc., both for the sick and their family members, and for doctors and work teams in general. This is something that must be borne in mind in the design, construction and equipment of these places, so even if it is not an art gallery or a luxury hotel, you should be aware of the effect that is achieved through finishes, colors, materials, lighting, furniture, decoration, etc.


In short, it is not only important to pay special attention to the care and services provided in hospital planners in India, but also the perceived emotional effect, which will translate into a better experience for patients and staff.

Influence of art and pleasant spaces on moods

Studies have been carried out for a long time on the influence that a certain environment exerts on people’s mood and it has been discovered that art has a great influence on its tranquility and relaxation. This is the reason that there is a growing tendency to include it in clinics and hospitals, in such a way that some institutions have important artistic collections exhibited in their different areas.

They don’t really need to be high-value collections or renowned authors. Different artistic works have been placed in some hospitals, such as paintings, sculptures and photographs made by patients, by their family and / or friends, by donors or by staff members. These works have been distributed in many different areas so that they can be appreciated by those who pass through them, and the results have been surprisingly positive.

In some hospitals various works have been strategically placed in areas such as nurses’ centers, recovery rooms, intensive care areas, private areas thatare used to dialogue with the relatives of the patients, and where information on critical states, deaths, etc. is very frequently offered, and it has been concluded that art contributes greatly to recovery processes.

Alternatives for improving the appearance of walls, corridors and other spaces

Once the positive influence of pleasant spaces has been demonstrated by health care equipment planners, the budget problem arises to achieve a favorable decoration without causing economic imbalances.

An alternative is self-adhesive wall designs, which are easy to install and resist wall cleaning, rubbing, etc. There are also prefabricated panels whose finish already comes with attractive colors, designs and textures, and which are also made according to the official hospital regulations regarding hygiene facilities, fire retardant materials, antibacterial, etc.

Architectural design is also a determining factor in the mood of patients and staff

Although the art, color and decoration of hospital interiors are important, they are not the only environmental factors that influence people. The distribution of areas as well as the general architectural style, both interior and exterior, must be taken into account by hospital planners and medical equipment consultants in terms of functionality and safety for work, but also to create spaces that are favorable for a positive, confident state of mind.

A hospital or clinic that has a good design, and whose finishes and decorations offer a pleasant and relaxing environment, will not only offer a higher quality stay for the patient and their families, but also provide the ideal working conditions for all the staff, allowing that they have a better performance, less wear and therefore an atmosphere of cordiality and harmony between the team and the patients, which benefits everyone, patients, staff, family members and other visitors.

How To Do Efficient Stock Planning In The Hospital Pharmacy?

In any company, stock management is an aspect of great importance for the success of the venture, and in hospital pharmacies that is no different. In many countries, the stock of medicines is responsible for 5 to 20% of hospital budgets, and for a good management of these resources, it is essential to reduce failures, reduce costs and guarantee the storage of the necessary medicines for patients.


Inventory management activities:

Inventory management can be classified into two types of activities:

– Operational activities: with focus on the movement control of products, registration of movements, receipts, conferences, warehousing and distribution

– Strategic activities: seeking a more efficient replenishment, through the analysis of distribution and stock data.

Step-by-step inventory management:

To control stock and ensure minimum levels of operation, while keeping costs on budget, it is important to follow four basic management principles, easily employed by hospital planners and medical equipment consultants:

  1. Planning

Efficient stock planning by hospital equipment planners consists of collection of information on financial resources and consumption needs, and based on these data determine the distribution needs of materials and supplies, plan the service capacity and manage the stock of products.

  1. Catering

Includes the purchase, receipt, inspection, storage and distribution of medications and supplies on demand. It is important, at this stage, to keep up-to-date price records, carry out constant evaluations of product quality and supplier certification, and keep an eye on contractual requirements and payment terms.

  1. Execution

Consists of requesting and receiving materials, testing products, storing medications and supplies, packaging and distribution. A fundamental aspect of the execution of stock management is the evaluation of the control system, the furniture and equipment available and the procedures that act in the scheduling of purchases and their receipt.

  1. Distribution

It is related to the implementation of orders, control of the database of medicines and patients, development of labels and packaging necessary for distribution, and detailed registration of prescriptions and distribution of products.

Important aspects of inventory management

The planning of the stock of a medical pharmacy by hospital planners in India must take into account various factors:

– standardization of medications: to maintain a stock level that meets all hospital needs, it is important to invest in the standardization of records, considering the medical prescription, the distribution of the medicine and the financial billing. The lack of standardization of processes is one of the biggest errors in hospital management.

– Suppliers history: In addition to the basic information on the company, the registry of the medicine suppliers must have records of the payment terms, their financial practices and the most advantageous medicines (in values and quantities) for the hospital.

– Parameter calculation: considering the stock as a fluctuating asset, it is important to have up-to-date data on the need for medicines and supplies, considering the minimum and maximum quantity of each material and medication in emergencies, and calculating the parameters of stock.

– Control of Government: entity responsible for the control of all medicines and hospital materials manufactured, through the batch number, date of validity and barcode.

-Purchase process: With the help of specialized programs, it is possible to filter suppliers and place orders based on criteria such as price, payment terms and supplier relationship.

– medication individualization: a common process in hospital pharmacies, which consists of dividing the medications into fractional units, keeping in each fraction the information regarding the batch, date of validity and other characteristics for control.

Efficient stock management by health care equipment planners is essential to avoid failures such as patient medication, reduce losses related to the expiration date of products, reduce costs with the purchase of medicines and supplies, and guarantee good care for all patients. The investments made in the planning and control of stocks have a guaranteed return, both in the aspects of excellence in care as well as in the financial part, and are essential for good hospital administration.

5 Trends That Have Revolutionized The World Of Medical Devices

Just ten years ago, some market trends began to change the medical equipment business. Let’s find out what they are and how they behave in today’s market!

Today, as anticipated by our title, we will talk about all those elements that, for ten years now, have changed the way we produce and distribute medical devices on the market. Medical equipment is a huge business, estimated to be worth several billion dollars globally.


Thanks to the investigation by, let’s find out together what are the variables that have made possible the development of this very interesting and fundamental slice of the market and which, of course, are still an important weight on the scale in today’s world?

The merger between leading companies in the sector

The merger of some companies with a view to greater success on the market has been one of the most recorded trends in recent years in the medical technology sector. Merging multiple companies, in fact, has made it possible to integrate the many ideas, the technologies used and the most innovative patents to create something unique and truly impactful for the community. These unions created billions of dollars in revenue and left an indelible mark on the medical device market.

Some new entries

Next to the big companies born from excellent mergers, there are also outsiders: those small companies that have, in the space of the last decade, been able to make space by creating their own customers – often producing niche products.


Hospital designers & planners have changed: from simple suppliers of hospitals and healthcare facilities, they have changed into a real operating machine that offers solutions to medical problems. Big gains have led to big investments in research: here is the reason for their enlargement.

Non-invasive equipment

According to some research and sector studies, it seems that the global market for minimally invasive medical technology will be worth about $ 50 billion by the end of 2020. With the preference for medical equipment increasingly oriented towards catheters, laparoscopic procedures and miniaturization of technology in general, the value of this slice of the market will continue to grow for quite a while.

Development and advantages of private equity

The private equity is that activity through which a financial entity (usually an investor) detects shares in a company target by acquiring existing shares by a third party, either by subscribing for new shares bringing new capital within the target.

Over the past six to seven years, private equity has had a very strong impact on the production of medical devices: it has brought capital liquidity, company acquisitions as well as a very strong tendency towards the creation of highly specialized professional figures.

Now that we have discovered together with the 5 trends that have characterized and changed the world of the medical device market, we ask ourselves what will change and what will be created in the years to come. It is suggested to contact hospital space planners.

What Type Of Preparation Should A Hospital Equipment Planner Have, And What Skills Are Required?

It is highly recommended that people for this position have academic preparation in areas related to medical science, biomedical technology, nursing, administration, personnel management, etc.

Also, excellent capacity for analysis and decision-making is required to be able to face and resolve the different problems that will surely arise on a day-to-day basis.

Somehow it must be a person who has the ability to handle different problems and issues at the same time (multitask)

It can also be very helpful to have previous experience with the management of all types of hospital equipment such as purchases, maintenance, etc.

Important considerations when planning a hospital-

  1. Know the type of services that will be carried out in the hospital or health center: to perform the basic design and the necessary equipment; it will be necessary to know the detail that functions will perform the place.
  2. Offer optimal conditions for the performance of work with efficiency and, above all, with safety. A hospital is not an ordinary place, it does administrative work, prevention, laboratory work in addition to medical work. When planning a hospital, all work should be taken into account.
  3. Offer an internal and external functional environment that respects the hygienic and health needs that are required.

Because of this fact, hospital planning and hospital equipment planners play a crucial role. Since it has a great importance in not only taking care of the patients but also as a major part of both public health and social welfare programs, and in another way it has a great influence in the process of development of an economy.


Your vision in the short, medium and long term is of vital importance.

On the other hand, skills in interpersonal treatment are required since their work requires being in contact and coordinating the work of personnel from very different areas and hierarchies, inside and outside the institution.

In addition to academic training and personal skills must be a person with experience and knowledge of all types of equipment, supplies, etc., not only in terms of needs and operation but also must be kept informed in terms of durability, performance, requirements, etc. So that at a certain moment it makes the right decision for example before the dilemma of repairing, replacing or acquiring new options.

The best time to hire a hospital equipment planner is when the decision is made to build the hospital or start the remodeling or expansion works. It is the surest way for decisions to be made correctly, and that in case of extensions or remodeling of functioning hospital things are done in an organized and coordinated way so that it does not interfere with daily activities.

In short, it can be said that it is the health care equipment planner who at any time has a better perspective of the general panorama as well as of every detail in particular, with absolutely all its consequences, repercussions or implications.

Importance of Hospital Equipment Planners in Healthcare Industry

When it comes to establishing the specific department/room in a healthcare center or building a new hospital, medical equipment planners play a vital role to achieve desired results. A healthcare unit requires numerous medical equipment that takes about 30 to 40 percent of the entire project fund which is very high in monetary terms. From a simple stretcher to complex MRI machine, everything has its importance. Designated hospital equipment planners are responsible for managing budget used in buying, exchange or repair of medical equipment and machinery and ensuring to provide best in class medical facilities to improve patient outcome.

Equipment has their own life, and health care equipment planners ensure the maximum utilization of equipment during their lifetime. These professionals follow sequential management activities to ensure the efficient and profitable working of medical equipments. The activities consist of the following steps:

Planning: Planning process helps to gather necessary information which is the basis of actions to be taken. Information revealed in the planning process includes:

  • Needs and benefits of required equipment
  • Available certified technicians
  • Maintenance service and support
  • Environmental support
  • Regulatory compliance

hospital equipment planners 

The planning process helps to make a balance between clinical and technological sector to deliver high-quality medical services. Steps of planning include:

  • Making an audit for existing technology and resources
  • Technology assessment to adopt new technology to get desired results
  • Selecting new technology to replace the old one
  • Setting priorities for acquisition
  • Monitor ongoing progress

Acquisition: Healthcare sector is changing rapidly with the invention of new technology that helps to improve patient outcome. The process is about attaining funds which are used for upgrading and adopting new technology. Designated hospital project consultants in india acquire new technology because of several reasons:

  • To upgrade their services
  • To provide efficient services
  • Improve patient outcome
  • Enhance cost benefits
  • Achieve desired goals
  • To minimize risk

Delivery and Incoming Inspection: A healthcare consulting firm in india inspect new incoming equipment including accessories, manuals, electrical safety, and operations systematically. They also check for possible shipment damage.

Inventory and Documentation: It is an important process which provides information for equipment servicing and management at different stages. Inventory and documentation file consists of the following things:

  • An equipment control number
  • Generic description of an equipment
  • Equipment manufacturer, model, and serial number
  • Owners department and location
  • Purchase invoice
  • Equipment buying cost
  • Seller details like address, contact number
  • Warranty terms and expiry date
  • Details of additional warranty and service contract

Installation and Commissioning: The process is carried out in the presence of hospital designers and planners. They will ensure that particular equipment is installed properly at the right location.

User Training: It is necessary for the end user and working staff to familiar with the functioning and maintenance of installed equipment to avoid malfunctioning. Inappropriate handling of medical equipment can affect patient outcome and increase servicing cost.

Monitoring Equipment: All services provided by the seller should be recorded for monitoring purpose. Do not ignore inspecting machinery when they are covered under warranty.

Maintenance and Replacement: The top hospital consulting firms in india keeps records of all services provided by the seller and condition of the equipment to ensure that it works efficiently. Their goal is to make out maximum utilization of equipments during its lifetime. Once an equipment life is over, they will propose management to replace it with the latest one.

Healthy Business Design: 4 Steps to Expand the Healthcare Business

Healthy Business Design is the formula designed to develop the business of private health facilities that want to design new health experiences for their patients.

Patients at the center of an ongoing transformation in the world of health and well-being: from patients to people, with their needs and needs. The program allows to change the approach to care, from “to care” to “to care” thanks to design methodologies that will enable:

  • Focus on the objectives
  • Better understand patients
  • Develop effective strategies to attract new ones


Healthy Business Design can also be applied to networks of medical facilities, multi-specialist studies and single-specialist studies that want to differentiate themselves and represent a fixed point in their territory.

How does Healthy Business Design work?

Healthy Business Design by health care equipment planners is developed in 4 structured steps, designed to achieve concrete results in a concise time:

Understanding customers:

Through individual interviews with the key people of the company and, thanks to a visual representation of the results, experts identify the values that characterize the activity. Not only that, because it analyzes the business model, establishes its objectives and traces the profile of ideal patients. Continue reading

Internet of Things in Health: Internet of the Patient?

What are the forecasts for the Internet of Things in the health sector? To get an idea, we pointed out two aspects: on the one hand, the use of the term IoHT – Internet of Healthcare Things, in its acronym in English – has already been extended to refer to the practical utilities of the IoT in health. On the other hand, healthcare is already the second activity associated with interconnected devices, behind manufacturing, distribution, and logistics. Can we then talk about the Patient’s Internet?

The Internet of Things, allied to the healthcare professional

Many devices and objects, now interconnected, can provide a significant amount of data and medical information – documentation and medical records – in real time, data stored in the cloud for later analysis and management by healthcare equipment planners that offer significant savings of space and costs. A set of information that helps the health professional to manage and monitor the status of patients and, also, makes it possible to speed up emergency actions since the doctor will count with a click of the patient’s clinical history and needs.


In this sense, the IoT is already being used for the remote monitoring of patients through the wearable devices to know in real time different health variables and to be able to act in case of emergency. Also, this remote control allows establishing medical visits when the device detects that consultation is necessary, thus saving time and costs to patients and improving recovery rates. On the other hand, it encourages the self-care of the sick, capable of managing and controlling their health from their home.

However, it is useless to have large amounts of information if you do not carry out an analysis and interpretation of the information obtained. The IoT opens the doors to an analysis of  behaviors and habits on a larger scale and allows to cross the information with other epidemiological variables, for the implementation of public health policies that help improve the quality of care based on the analyzes and predictions obtained.

The sensors, more than a trend

The use and implementation of sensors go far beyond the control of healthy variables by the patient since there are numerous tools to be applied within the health center, with the objective of monitoring medical and health equipment and helping the patient in their recovery -like the smart beds. It allows you to adjust positions depending on the movements of patient- or for remote control of parameters such as temperature or noise of hospital rooms, to help ensure compliance at all times the highest quality of healthcare service. The role of sensors in health management will become increasingly important.

The dares of the Internet of Things in health

Some challenges of this technology implementation involve the initial investment for the integration of the data in the different systems of the health centers, ensuring interchangeability, as well as the implementation of supervision systems by hospital equipment planners that provide continued preventive maintenance. On the other hand, training health professionals on the management of innovative devices and software on the network, and providing maximum security and privacy of patient data should also be a priority to incorporate the health sector to these latest technological advances.

Why Offer Scheduling of Online Appointments For Patients?

The online scheduling of appointments and examinations in hospitals, diagnostic centers, and laboratories is no longer a complete novelty, and it has been created with the aim of giving more practicality to patients and reducing costs. It is the way for any company in the health sector want to improve your profit margin, improving the level of patient satisfaction and your credibility in the market. So, how have some hospitals presented unpredictable results? The difference in performance between one institution and another is explained by the quality of the system implemented and by the way in which this new dynamic is integrated into the routine of health institutions.

Most claims against health institutions are generally complaints about inadequate care, wrong information, and long wait time on the phone to schedule an appointment or an exam. The curious thing is to perceive that in the middle of the information age, many hospitals, diagnostic centers, and laboratories insist on carrying out the agendas manually.

Observing that many health institutions still do not have health care equipment planners and appointment scheduling online or use the tool through low-quality solutions, we decided to write this article. We will show the advantages of implementing the system, the errors that should be avoided so that the institution perceives the difference of results of that initiative directly in its monthly financial statements and demonstrations. Come with us:

What advantages do these systems usually bring?

We can start by advancing what an online scheduling system offers:

  • End of the long waiting time for agendas;
  • Flexibility for the patient to schedule their appointment in any of the 24 hours a day, seven days a week;
  • Better overall patient experience;
  • Reduction of costs with the payment of third-party customer service (contact center) or payroll telemarketing attendants when directly supported by the institution;
  • Elimination of scheduling errors;
  • Removal of scheduling of 2 appointments for the same doctor, at the same time due to the failure of communication between employees;
  • Reduction of absenteeism rates with the facilitation of the scheduling flow and availability of alert modules to patients;
  • Credibility and professionalism conferred on the institution.

In practice, we talk about something much more significant than the simple electronic scheduling of medical appointments. That’s because, generally, that functionality is only an integral part of a complete health management system that many state-of-the-art institutions already use. In a broad panorama, we have a robust performance management software that is constituted, a global IT solution in health, whose scheduling of online appointments and exams is only one of its utilities.

Modules of online exam results eliminate a good part of the rows in the reception of the institutions, guarantee operation 24 hours per day, in addition to better management of the flow and variations in the demand and sending of SMS messages as a reminder to the patients regarding the scheduled procedures. Several advantages justify the need of top healthcare consulting firms in India. All without trying the dashboard developed based on Business Intelligence, which presents indicators, data crossing, and issuance of graphical reports beneficial for strategic decision making.