The Strategy Of Attracting Clients Of The Medical Center And Clinic

The consulting services that can be found for the health sector have reached a high degree of development, specialization and sophistication, allowing laboratories and companies in the sector to focus on their key competencies and on the steps of the value chain that they dominate, being able to efficiently subcontract the consulting services they require at all times.

While healthcare consumers demand safer, more effective and mobile healthcare services in the changing social order, healthcare providers face problems such as increasing costs, decreasing profit margins and limited qualified human resources.


In any business, including the operation of medical centers, there are two key strategies for generating income for their owners, and these strategies can be easily followed with the help of hospital consultancy services in Delhi. The first strategy is customer acquisition. And there are 2 key tactics used here:

  • Expanding market share (enticing clients from other clinics and medical centers)
  • Entering new markets (searching for new customer segments, for example, offering services that were used by older people to other groups- for example, children, or entering new geographic territories: a city district, a new city, a new country).

This strategy still dominates the mindset of most healthcare owners today. Where to get new clients? This is a key question that top hospital consultants in India often hear in consultations, conferences and webinars.

The main tool for attracting customers, of course, is advertising in various channels and in various formats. However, it is worth considering that advertising and its costs will constantly increase, as competition will grow. At the same time, there are restrictions on advertising of medical centers and their services.

As a result, your advertising costs may eventually, if not now, amount to high rates, but the effectiveness can be very different from one campaign to another.

Why is this happening? It is important to understand here that often the leaders and owners of medical centers are highly qualified doctors who are experts in medical practice.

But your audience, your consumers and patients most often do not understand medicine as well as you do, therefore their language, their desires, needs, the way they express it differs significantly from the views of the owners and employees of the clinic.

As a result, it turns out that customers simply do not understand many of the offers in advertising and react poorly to it.

A customer retention strategy is also a non-obvious way to attract new, high-quality, ideal clients to a medical center. The first tactic that is fairly widely used for customer retention is creating transition barriers for customers.

Changing market conditions, a new competitor entering the market, copying your loyalty program, or a government decision to change the rules of the game can nullify any customer retention actions you take.

Therefore, starting to use tactics to create barriers to transition can be a good first step in customer retention, but your healthcare business will constantly be on a powder keg that will take off and smash it into pieces, and this is why before taking any step you need to consult hospital management consultancy in India.

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