Understanding The New Needs Of Hospital Management After COVID-19

Covid-19 has caused a transformation in the management and organization of the health system and this has been an opportunity for the development of hospital management consultancy services.

Knowing and understanding the new problems in healthcare is a necessary research objective for the Industry, when it comes to meeting the needs of its customers.


The health system has suffered, it is in a profound and direct way one of the consequences of Covid-19. Patients, doctors and, especially, the organization of health centers and hospitals have had to adapt quickly and with effort to the new prevention measures against the virus.

All medical specialties have sought to postpone, in one way or another, face-to-face care for the most vulnerable in hospitals as the most effective measure against contagion.

Many specialties, even and not directly linked to COVID, have been forced to close operating rooms, suspend treatments, refer patients to other centers or cancel follow-up visits.

Since the state of alarm was decreed, the implementation of telemedicine has been, without a doubt, one of the most effective responses of the system. However, it has not been the only solution in place.

Hospitals have simultaneously developed internal work protocols related to face-to-face visits and also initiatives such as the creation of multidisciplinary consultations to reduce the number of visits to the hospital.

The appearance of COVID-19 has generated multiple and important changes in the health system and these are just a few examples.

The system has been transformed and it is necessary to understand how: what changes have come to stay and what new needs your clients and patients have.

Hospital consultancy in India is once again the practice in charge of understanding and analyzing the current situation and identifying possible approaches and solutions.

Here and now, the Industry has the opportunity to know and understand in all its extension and complexity the new situation the sector is going through and how to react.

It is well known that in recent decades hospital consulting firms in India have evolved significantly, incorporating modifications and improvements to continue being an essential and valuable element for the healthcare industry.


In this new scenario, with new management and operating models, it will no longer be enough for consultants to continue with the work carried out to date, but it will be necessary to go further and understand the reorganization of services that hospitals have suffered:

Understand the context and the new management in order to identify different models developed during the pandemic. Those optimal and reference management models needs to be disseminated, but also those inefficient management models, where there is an opportunity to collaborate and add value.

Design ideal management models that respond to the characteristics of each center and its needs, but in any case, consider essential aspects related to the efficiency and quality of the system (telemedicine application criteria, reduction of lists waiting, operating protocols, coordination of professionals and available resources).

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